Sunday, June 02, 2024

Don't mess with Social Security system

| February 3, 2005 12:00 AM


As a younger member of the baby boomer generation, I thank the AARP for opposing moves to privatize Social Security. I realize that many AARP members will not be affected by the proposed changes.

These ill-conceived plans to privatize the system mostly threaten younger generations who don't consider retirement as seriously as folks already drawing pensions.

I encourage Montanans of all backgrounds and income levels to call Senators Conrad Burns and Max Baucus.

Tell them to take a strong stand in support of true security for seniors. Let them know that gambling on the stock market carries risks that are unacceptable for people entering their retirement years. Do not radically alter a system that has served America well for 70 years.

Last week the New York Times carried a story about the pension system in Chile. Their private investment accounts are heralded as an example by the Bush administration.

The first wave of retirees receiving their pensions under this privatized system are now receiving one-third of what government-backed pensioners are getting.

This message is especially important from younger generations. Your inaction on this matter may haunt you and your children for the rest of your life. Please open your phone books and pick up your phone now.

David Daniels
