Sunday, June 02, 2024

Andersons are extraordinary family

| March 16, 2005 12:00 AM


I attended the funeral services for a 13-year-old "Angel on Earth," TJ Anderson, on Wednesday at the Ronan High School gym. During the service, TJ's father, Tom, invited everyone to share memories in celebration of TJ's life. TJ was remembered and described by dozens who spoke about his smile and his always positive impact on their lives.

My family and I have known the Anderson family for several decades and have always admired their considerate demeanor and generous and unselfish contribution to the lives of the people in the community, the schools, and athletic programs.

So it was not a surprise that I witnessed what everyone in that gym must have also witnessed: one of the most distinguished, courageous, and loving and faithful tributes by any human being that could be imagined.

Tom Anderson and his wife, Cindy, are nothing short of everything that all of us should aspire to be. As pastor and father, Tom led us all, through his own son, TJ, past his and his wife's own pain, to a place that transcends life here. When most of us would lack the strength to even stand, Tom stood strong in front of us all, head held high with absolute love and respect for his son.

He spoke with eloquence and resolve about love, faith, hope, thankfulness, and grace. When most of us would have asked for the prayers and support of everybody there, Tom prayed for us and gave us all love and thanks and support.

What a magnificent human being and leader TJ's father is. How proud TJ must be to have been watching over him. I am proud to know Tom and would happily follow his leadership in faith and action.

As Tom said about his 13-year-old son, TJ lived a full life. And we who were there were all witnesses to the reason he did: Tom and Cindy Anderson, a very special couple. When you see them around, cherish and honor them.

Matt Jore
