Sunday, June 02, 2024

Is this what Democrats stand for?

| October 6, 2005 12:00 AM


A while back I wrote to the editor of the Leader saying why I am a Republican. No one answered why they were Democrats. I wonder if they are embarrassed to say why? They seem to enjoy bashing President Bush and the Republicans rather than tell the public what they really believe in.

From what I am hearing out of Washington, D.C. the Democrats believe the following:

Late term partial birth abortions should be legal. All abortions are good; parental notification is not necessary for abortions; same sex marriage is good; eliminating the reference to God on our money, in the Pledge of Allegiance and in our public buildings; punishing those who succeed in life by making them pay more in taxes and giving it to those who will not work; America is a bad country.

Social Security changes should not be made unless a Democrat is in the White House; cutting our military both in money, troops and weapons; cutting intelligence gathering budgets and adding restrictions on information gathering methods; national security is not necessary; war with terrorists is not necessary; the United States deserves to be attacked by Al-Qaeda and terrorists because of our foreign policy.

That the U.S. should give up in Iraq and to pull our troops out; conferring due-process rights on Al-Qaeda terrorists; approval of Socialist health care policies; judges should make laws in the image of liberalism; in-state college tuitions for illegals; taking of private land from citizens and giving it to others who will pay more taxes for it; over-regulating our forests so that nothing can be harvested; giving away some national parks such as the Bison Range; stopping any drilling on our public lands for oil.

Wild animals should not be hunted; waterways should be returned to what they were hundreds of years ago by taking out all the dams just to save the fish; giving driver licenses to illegal immigrants.; man-caused global warming is true; building new electric power plants is harmful to the environment; nuclear power plants are harmful; new oil refineries are not necessary; offshore oil drilling is bad; developing oil, gas and coal fields is unnecessary.

Tell us good Americans what you Democrats really stand for and quit bellyaching, trying to look good.

Mondell Metz

Polson, MT

Editor's note: We're quite certain you'll get a response to this.