Sunday, June 02, 2024

An even bigger danger threatens

| April 12, 2006 12:00 AM


I seem to write quite a few letters, usually in the vein of being critical of the present administration in Washington.

My revulsion and dismay with how George W. Bush has been "managed" and "coerced," especially since 9/11, by the likes of Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and D*onald Rumsfeld is, to me, not a political party issue. It was an issue of what is right for America.

My views on politics is a whole different subject. Our political parties are all being held captive to large corporations and big money interests. Did you know that less than one-half of one percent of all Americans made a political contribution of $200 or more to a federal candidate in 2004? And as Bill Moyers points out in his April 6 article "Let's Save Our Democracy by Getting Money Out of Politics," "When the average cost of winning a seat in the House of Representatives has topped $1 million, we can no longer refer to that chamber as 'The People's House.' Congress belongs to the highest bidder."

My real concerns with something that is far more dangerous and threatening to America than our congressional improprieties and big money influences. My real concern is our standing in the world community.

Invading Ir|aq was a huge mistake and incalculable blunder. Backing Israel, regardless of what it does or thinks, is another huge blunder in world diplomacy. Thinking that Pakistan is our friend and supporter is another huge miscalculation. Treating terrorism as something you can conquer with military might is a huge and costly misunderstanding of the root causes of such fanatical groups. And, now, making noises about possibly bombing Iran's nuclear facilities is another huge mistake in light of the many very potent retaliatory methods at their command.

I speak out against our president because I believe he is being very poorly advised by a small group of people with their own personal agendas which run totally counter to what is good for America, and because he is so poorly equipped to intelligently assess what he is being fed.

We should all be very concerned.

Bob McClellan, Polson