Saturday, June 01, 2024

Support our military personnel

| August 10, 2006 12:00 AM


I was sitting here in my easy chair listening to the news. What I saw was a plain disgrace to our servicemen and women in our armed forces. Where do we come off treating them so terribly? After all, they put their lives on the line for our freedom. They come home all shot up, blown up, missing arms, legs, and not walking or talking, doing what we all take for granted.

And we can't even give them the care they so bravely fought for. Where do we get off treating them less than an animal? Where would we be without them? Just sweep them under the rug, who cares?

Well, I care. I want them to know that where I'm concerned, they are the best. I pray every night for them, praying God will take care of them because we don't. Our veterans' hospitals are a laugh. My husband died because of a staph infection he got in one. They say the care is free, but look at what they went through to get it — then the care is below par.

We bring them home and put them on trial for what? Do those other counties do that? No, just us. No matter what they do, it's wrong in the eyes of this country, but I do not see the ones putting our service men and women on trial taking up a gun and fighting for their rights.

Let's bring our service people home and send the whiners and groaners over there and see how long they last. Let them see first hand what these brave service people do to keep our country free so they can have all the niceties they now enjoy. Let these complainers fight for the things they have and see how long they can keep it without someone taking it away from them.

Oh well, they don't have the guts nor the incentive to do it, so I won't have to wonder nor will anyone else. They hide behind the brave service people and thumb their noses at them.

Well, men and women of the United States armed forces, I salute you. I thank you. I ask God to watch over you and I want you to know I support you in all you do. May God bless each and every one of your and your families.

Bernadine (Bernie) Lovell

St. Ignatius