Saturday, June 01, 2024

What is city's signage ordinance?

| March 16, 2006 12:00 AM


There seems to be a lot of discussion about the Wal-Mart supercenter. Still we have some other areas of concern that need to be addressed.

1. Is there a sign ordinance within the Polson city limits? If there is, what is it, and is it enforced? For example, the horrific supposed-to-be-advertising signage, which looks more like a bone yard for signs, on Highway 35 near Wal-Mart.

Several letters to the editor have mentioned this area, however, nothing has been resolved. I will not shop at those advertised businesses for the simple reason they don't care about how they advertise or how they reach their customers. Perhaps it is free advertising because I cannot see any business paying for that bone yard display of signage.

If the signs had a size, color and perhaps were finished off with trimming, they may be more eye appealing.

At this time, it is an eyesore, embarrassing for Polson. I vote to clean it up.

2. What is it with all the sandwich board signs around the uneven sidewalks. Everywhere you go, there is a sandwich board sign — for espressos, hair salon, sandwich shops, flowers, candle of the month, travel, we're open, rugs, wine, candy, a 4-ft. tall sign in bright colors indicating hours.

Come on, people, by the time the signs are covering the uneven sidewalks, there is no room to walk. Then you wonder why business is slow. You have to make it inviting. Those board signs are not inviting, they're annoying and many times are blown down by the wind. They could be a hazard when they fall into the street, causing damage to the sign itself or a vehicle.

I feel for anyone who has to use a wheel chair and maneuver around sandwich board signs, not to mention pushing a stroller, or foot traffic.

These businesses need to take another look at their ways to advertise. At this time you're placing a limit on your business. Any vehicle parking in front of that sign becomes unreadable. They work well, don't they?

City Council and Mr. Mayor, please reconsider or review your city signage [policy/ordinance] and correct this problem before it really gets out of control.

Cindy Herman
