Saturday, June 01, 2024

Pregnancy Resource banquet successful

| November 22, 2006 12:00 AM


Even to the casual reader of the local papers it is obvious that we live in a generous community. High school clubs, local charities and service clubs have all been the recipients of their generosity. Time and again local businesses are solicited for financial support.

Well, we at the Pregnancy Resource Center would like to thank the community as well for the generosity extended to us for our recent fundraiser banquet and auction on Nov./. 10.

We are extremely grateful to Coldwell Banker, 1st Citizens Bank, DRS, Mission Valley Auto, ReMax and Moody's for their generosity in sponsoring tables for the event. Also, our thanks go to the Merganthaler family, Jeanne Windham, Dr. Stephen Irvin for their sponsoring of tables. Ricciardi's and 4-B's were so gracious in allowing us the use of some of their restaurant equipment at no charge.

Local businesses and individuals, too many to list, were amazing in their generosity to donate items for the silent auction. The staff at New Life Christian Center was so helpful in all the planning, decorating and food preparation that made the evening even more enjoyable. To Sharon Murphy, Dr. Daniel Rausch and Brent Dobak of First Way Pregnancy Center in Missoula, thank you for your stirring words that made this fundraiser a successful event.

At a time when local businesses and individuals were being solicited for financial support for things from local elections to school organizations, the community did not fail to respond. In support our little banquet, you have helped our outreach to pregnant moms and their babies grow. We will be able to expand our resources that will support these moms in their decision to choose life and to help give some direction to their lives.

Thank you again because we could not have done this without you.

Rebecca Boucher

Treasurer, Pregnancy Resource Center
