Saturday, June 01, 2024

Tester takes immigration issue seriously

| October 4, 2006 12:00 AM


They're coming in transport trucks, backpacking, and swimming across the Rio-Grande. They only want the same thing our ancestors did: Opportunity and freedom. But, we shouldn't forget the 9-11 commission's advice: Border security is our top priority.

I feel that Immigration is a serious issue, and Conrad Burns says he takes a strong stance on it. So it really bothered me when he was caught joking about his own immigrant worker not having a green card. It doesn't seem like he takes this issue seriously, and I feel like it's a big deal.

I know this is an election season, so he doesn't want to apologize and look bad, but why joke about something like that in the first place? It's like he is out of touch with real everyday Montanans.

Employers should be fined if they hire undocumented workers.

Jon Tester believes border security is a priority and wants to eliminate the short cuts many immigrants take when they enter this country. People have a right to come here, but they must go through the same steps our ancestors went through. I believe these people want to come here to work and make money to send back home. A lot of them do not want to stay, but only work here. But, they should have work permits.

I believe Jon Tester will take immigration seriously, and that is why I will be voting for him.

Jinn Pattee
