Saturday, June 01, 2024

Love was evident at Thanksgiving

| November 29, 2007 12:00 AM


We asked the Lord to bless our efforts to show love to the people in the Polson community. We wanted to provide food for Thanksgiving dinners. A thousand pounds of food!

God answered our prayers. In less than three weeks we delivered more than 1,000 pounds of food to Loaves and Fishes, a local food pantry. The Senior Life Group at Polson Alliance Church expresses its gratitude to the Lord for hearing our prayers and to church members, neighbors and community friends who shared in this act of love this Thanksgiving.

The Rev. Harvey A. Town,

Group Facilitator


Outgoing mayor is appreciative


At the last Polson City Council meeting I announced that I would resign from the position of Polson Mayor effective the Council meeting on Dec. 3, 2007. Since I was appointed to the position, it is appropriate that the Mayor-Elect, Lou Marchello, assume the duties of mayor.

I thank the outstanding City Council that worked with me to accomplish so much this past year. We adopted a new form of government, selected and hired a new city manager, adopted and implemented impact fees, signed the "Retrocession Agreement" with the Tribes, and have done very much more. None of this could have happened without the support and assistance of this fine Council

I also thank the outstanding staff at City Hall. They are a diverse group that brings many different skills and talents to their jobs, yet they all share a simple desire to make Polson a better place and work to make that happen.

I also thank Chairman Steele of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes and his staff and Council that worked with, and cooperated with, the City of Polson. I am pleased at the level of cooperation of our two governments as demonstrated with the park at Salish Point, among other efforts.

I thank the many Polson citizens who work on the various boards and agencies that help make this a dynamic and forward-looking community. They give of their time and talents for free and their direction and leadership provide the energy needed to progress as a community.

Finally, I thank the volunteers who work for the many charitable organizations that help those in need and our less fortunate citizens. Their work is not often recognized but they provide an indispensable service to our community. Particularly during this season, please remember your favorite charity and support them as they strive to meet the needs of our people.

Jules Clavadetscher,

Mayor, Polson

Honor Guard: Thanks


Thank you very much from the Mission Valley Honor Guard to everyone who bought 50/50 tickets to support our group. It's your support that has gotten the Honor Guard to where it is now.A very big thank you to the Tribal Council for all the years of support. A very special thank you to Charlene Petit who donated $100 over her winnings back to the Honor Guard and for the $50 donation before the win.

Leo Tellier

MV Honor Guard