Saturday, June 01, 2024

Notes from the newsroom

by Heidi Hanse
| June 30, 2010 2:10 PM

Holiday safety

Up until I moved out of my parents' house last year, leaving for any social event was always a hassle.

"Where are you going?"

"With who?"

"What are you going to do?"

Those questions were always asked, and I was always expected to answer. Yes, I rolled my eyes and might have let a little bit of attitude slip into the answers.

Sorry mom, it was annoying.

Even now, when I'm in a different time zone, I'll get calls asking those three questions.

However, I have learned the value in those answers. My mom was just concerned about my safety and wanted to make sure she knew I wasn't getting myself in trouble and, if I was going to be in trouble, she knew where to look.

This weekend is a huge celebration of America's birthday, the beginning of Polson Centennial activities and beautiful weather.

So many people are going to be coming and going through Lake County for all the great events it has to offer and staying safe will be priority No. 1.

Safety this weekend will take all forms: Sunscreen for UV protection, life jackets in case of an accident on the water and police officers to patrol the streets.

But, things as simple as letting someone know where you will be and when you will return or a bucket of water when lighting personal fireworks can be just as useful to keep any unfortunate tragedy at bay.

Here at the Leader, we wish everyone a rain-free, fun and safe holiday weekend.