Sunday, June 02, 2024

Senior News

| June 21, 2012 4:00 PM


It’s hard to believe that June is half over already. We took a few days off and went to our granddaughter’s graduation in rainy Washington state, and it was nice to come back to the somewhat nicer Montana weather. The Ronan Senior Center and the COA will be having a yard sale later this summer, and would greatly appericate any donations toward it. If you need them picked up, give us a call at 676-2371 or 676-2368 and we will make the arrangements for you.

We are still taking the aluminum cans as part of our fund-raising effort, and we do appreciate the donations that we have received so far.

Thanks to those who donated to get the kitchen window replaced, and to Rick Penfield and his crew for putting it in for us. It is so much nicer to have a window that is easy to open, especially in the warmer weather. (If it ever gets here).

We have several of our members who are not feeling well, or who are traveling, and we hope to see all of them back here soon. The end of the month is fast approaching, and our birthday dinner will be held on Friday, the 29th.

We will be serving a great roast beef dinner, and the band will be here to play some “oldies” tunes for us. Come on in and join your friends and help them celebrate their June birthdays.

Our menu for the rest of the month is: Wed.(20th) sandwiches with potato soup and beef barley soup, Fri.(22nd) is Pizza (four varities), Mon.(23th) potato bar, Wed.(27th) baked spaghetti, and Fri.(29th) roast beef.

Our meals are served at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We also serve one evening meal a month, at 5:00 p.m. on the second Thursday. The cost of this meal is $5.00 for everyone. All of our meals are open to the public, and you don’t have to be a senior or a member to eat here. If you would like to join, our membership fee is only $10.00 per year. Come on in and join us, you might be surprised at how many people that you know are here. Have a great week, and enjoy the nice weather. After all, this is Montana, and the weather is subject to change without notice.


Dave is back from vacation and looking well-rested. We have it on good authority that he and Frani had a really good time. We would like to thank Paul Laisy for doing a wonderful job of filling in for Dave while he was gone. I don’t know what we would do without our faithful volunteers.

We have a great group of people who play cards on a weekly basis. We have Bridge on Mondays and Fridays starting at 12:30 and Pinochle is played on Thursday starting at 12:30 also. If you are a Bridge or Pinochle player come on in and join the fun. They sound like they are really enjoying themselves. We look forward to seeing you all.

To all of you gardeners out there, when you are planting your vegetables and if you have room, plant a little extra for donation to the Center. We love to have fresh veggies or fruit donated to us for our Nutrition Program. Kelli will work her magic and turn them into a salad to behold. We thank you in advance for your generosity!

I hope you all have a good week. Be sure to think blue skies and sunshine and we’ll talk again soon.

Now for some card scores. Bridge for June 8th Win Baer first and Bob Gorsuch second and on June 12th Jim Loebbecke was first and Max Neeley took second. Now for some Pinochle scores. June 14th had Alice Grilley first and Duane Johnson second.

Luncheon menu: Thursday 6/21 Polish dogs; Friday 6/22 roast beef birthday dinner; Monday 6/25 cheeseburgers; Tuesday 6/26 chicken and rice soup; Wednesday 6/27 hash brown bake.


We finally got the beautiful spring season we’ve been waiting for. The whole area looks so beautiful with the many shades of green.

Our center has welcomed several guests from the valley, whom we haven’t seen for too long. Clara Likens, who used to be a Dixonite and former kitchen helper, and Ed Braaten, came for lunch. Mary Belle (also used to be at Dixon) and Don Grazier took the ride over along with Marie Cowan and Marlys Hoeldt. It’s great to see old friends and remember good times!

Did you know Dixon is on a National Scenic Highway — Montana 200? Coming up this weekend (June 22-23) is a two-day Flea Market at the Senior Center, joining with the Sanders County annual Yard Sale. There will be maps of all the participating “salers” in the county--a good time to check out that scenic drive.

Lunch and dessert will be available, so come start the tour with Dixon and make a day of it! To reserve a vendor’s table just call 246-3526or 246-3271.

This Thursday will be turkey day for lunch--bring home a take-out for another yummy meal. Mon. June 25 Salmon loaf. Thurs. June 28 Lasagna.

Meals are served for all ages, at noon on Thursdays and at five p.m. on Mondays. Pinochole is enjoyed on the fourth Monday, at 6:30. Come for dinner, and stay to exercise your mind.