Saturday, June 01, 2024

There's no secret behind Trump's underdog victory

| November 22, 2016 3:32 PM

There is a Gospel song, written back in the 1950s by Hollywood cowboy singer Stuart Hamblen, entitled “It Is No Secret.” I met him when he came to Ronan around 1950 or 51. Without the lyrics, the title alone, coming out of Hollywood, might raise some eyebrows. However, the writer experienced a life transformation at the Los Angles Billy Graham Crusade in September 1949. Hamblen was in Ronan to share his new song and to speak about his new relationship with Jesus Christ. We learned then that the full title of his song was “It Is No Secret What God Can Do.”

Through the evening of Nov. 8, as I watched on television what was happening as the polls closed and the ballot counting and reporting began, I knew something extraordinary was happening. I wasn’t all that surprised. Hundreds of thousands of Christians around the world were confessing their sins and praying for God’s intervention in the Presidential election. Now, prayer alone, if not accompanied by humility and a sincere confession of sin, is sterile. Sin separates us from God, preventing answers to our prayers (Psalm 66:16-20).

Another event taking place this past week to correspond with the election, was a national prayer movement, which began when the polls opened at 6 a.m. on the East Coast and continued throughout the day until voting ended, approximately eighteen hours of praying. Prayers were offered by individual citizens from every state in the union. As polls opened across the country our prayers, recorded the previous day, were simulcast to the thousands of participating members.

Much agonizing introspection is now taking place as political gurus and media pundits ponder how or why they missed all the indicators that propelled Donald Trump to the presidency. I doubt very much if they will ever discover or announce the answer: It is no secret what god can do.

– Harvey A. Town, Polson