Sunday, June 02, 2024

Who are the tax breaks helping?

| May 24, 2018 1:52 PM

A friend of mine got her massive tax cut of $25.00 a month on her annuity. Big banks earned $2.5 billion in the first quarter of this year. They have so much money now they don’t know how to spend it, except on buybacks and executive bonuses. 83% of the tax cut went to the top 1% of earners, according to Warren Buffet.

It seems Trump paid big bucks for sex with porn stars that reportedly took place shortly after the birth of his third son with his third wife. Also, he has paid no income taxes for the past twenty years. Trump was asked by one reporter why the IRS had audited his tax returns every year for about the same length of time. His response was “Maybe its because I’m a Christian.”

The NRA pumped $31 million into Trump’s campaign. I am sure there were many other dark money channels into Trumps campaign. Trump paid $110,000 from his Foundation for a painting of himself, and $200,000 for a fine from the Dade County government for an illegal sign on his property.

Wyman J. McDonald, Ronan