Sunday, June 02, 2024

Miller Campbell ready to rock Mission Valley rodeo

by Jason Blasco
| June 27, 2019 1:32 PM


COUNTRY SINGER Miller Campbell plays with a band during the a recent performance. Campbell, will be playing after the NRA-sanctioned rodeo, at the Polson Fairgrounds. (photo courtesy of Miller Campbell)

Miller Campbell admits to having a lot of anticipation about performing at Polson’s 79th annual National Rodeo Association-sanctioned event Friday night at Polson’s Fairgrounds.

For Campbell, performing may be part of her routine as a member of the Glen Campbell family and estimates performing at 265 venues a year, but performing in Polson is special to her because she will showcase the new material of her first full-length album she recorded in Nashville, after promoting her EP titled ‘Sweet Whiskey.’

Miller, who now lives in Bigfork, hopes to captivate the Western Montana region.

“This has been a great and exciting time for me,” Campbell said. “I am glad the fans liked the first record, and I’ve had a lot of new songs and opportunity take my time and make it exactly the way I want.”

As an independent recording artist, Campbell is doing virtually everything herself.

“I just have one other person helping me answer e-mail, and it’s been just the two of us,” Campbell said. “It’s been a great career so far, and I am very blessed to be able to do it full time. I am always performing, and during the summer I am doing six shows a week. Summer is a busy time for me.”

Campbell, who collaborated with Nashville-based producer Jeff Huskins on her latest record, is stoked about debuting the new material in the Mission Valley and at a rodeo, one of Campbell’s favorite venue’s to perform.

“I am extra excited about this record,” Campell said. “This is a big step for me, and it will be a different record from the previous material. I am excited for everyone to hear the new material.”

Campbell describes the new record as snapshots of her life. The new album is a first-hand account describing her life on the road, the relationships she formed and the trials and tribulations she experienced trying to make progress in one of the most rigorous industries in the world.

“I’ve been working on my studio album for so long, over two years, and I write myself so this record offers different snapshots of my life,” Campbell said. “This is my life as a musician and it talks about different relationships. This is more of a full snapshot (of my life) over the last few years, and talks (in detail) about all I’ve been through.”

According to Campbell’s biography on her website (, she is a cousin of Glen Campbell and was a classically trained musician in the theater. Campbell started her career as a part of the Seattle music scene with a band called Twisted Dixie.

After a setback with a health issue, she went on to graduate from the University of Washington. Her shift back into music continued with joining another band. After that fell through, she began to write and perform her work as a solo artist with encouragement from her brother, who passed away shortly after her solo work start. He became her inspiration to write new material.

Campbell, a native of the state of Washington, is now looking to take Western Montana and the rest of the Pacific Northwest region by storm with her new record.

“I am growing a lot as a person just playing five or six shows a week,” Campbell said. “I will be in Western Montana for two weeks in August, and a full tour date next week, going to Flathead Valley, Bozeman and all of the other places in Western Montana.”

Campbell, who fell in love with Western Montana after being from Seattle, has played in a wide variety of regions and concert venues.

She even teams up with a Missoulian-based group called the Hasslers as she continues to anticipate performing her new record on stage that looks to bolster her career with a unique sound.

“I am excited to be performing my new material and our group is beyond ecstatic to be playing in Polson,” Campbell said. “As a local Montana artist, I have embraced playing at one of my first big shows in the area.”

Miller’s new material on her latest studio album doesn’t have a name yet, but she will be performing the newly-recorded material for the first-time ever in Polson.

Campbell, hopes to continue the momentum from her first-ever released that reached the Billboard Chart with this second album.