Sunday, June 02, 2024

Reject anti-gun legislation

| November 6, 2019 7:35 PM

Mr. Bob Brown (‘The guts to stand up to guns’ Sept. 8) has an obvious dislike for the modern sporting rifle aka black rifles. He doesn’t define “high capacity” but I am guessing that anything over three to five rounds is high capacity to RINO Bob. Shotguns have had high-capacity magazines for over a decade. One type of shotgun doesn’t use detachable magazines but will take a 25-round box of shotgun shells to load it.

Some black rifle shooters are capable of hitting targets in excess of 1,000 yards which makes certain politicians sweat and want to seize all of our guns. Which has been their goal all along. The American Communist Party of old, which has now morphed into the modern-day Democrat Party, wants to seize all guns to create a strong centralized government so there’s no resistance to their socialist ideals.

I would suggest that our three Congressmen represent the majority of voters in Montana and reject all proposed legislation that is anti-gun owner. Instead, they should support legislation that gives gun owners and especially concealed carry permit holders the opportunity to carry everywhere. In other words, kill zones, where law abiding folks can’t carry a gun, offer the deranged an opportunity to cause mayhem and are searched out by these deviants before they commit their acts. Whereas if a concealed carry person was present he/she could stop the carnage before it even got started.

In 2017 rifles accounted for 403 murders, whereas baseball bats and the like killed 467 people. Hands, fists, feet, etc., accounted for 696 deaths and knives finished off 1,591 folks. Handguns killed 7,032. It is critical that Congress get rid of all kill zones as handguns are the problem and that the best way to deal with that problem is a good person with a handgun.

—Norm Johnson, Polson