Saturday, June 01, 2024

Letters: Please think of others

| November 26, 2020 12:15 AM

Please think of others

I lost a friend to Covid-19 yesterday. She was young and should have had many more years. Have you lost a friend or family member to Covid-19? Is someone in your family Covid-19 positive — I hope not. It’s a terrible time.

If we look back to World War II, people joined together — rationed food, tires, gas and more for several years. Our lives are different now; most of us have access to food and shelter. We have people to love and care for, including our friends and neighbors who should be protected, too.

Let’s join together, not physically but virtually. Call a friend. Please wear your mask and wash your hands. It doesn’t hurt.

Next year we can embrace each other in larger gatherings. This year, instead, let’s open our hearts to others, protect their futures and wear masks.

Thanks for caring.

Diane Grant, Ronan

Be a spreader of kindness

John Meinders wanting store clerks to say “thanks” to him (Lake County Leader, Nov. 5) is hovering around what could be a good idea. But he misses a couple of important points. Why punish the clerk and the business? What about the responsibility of the customer?

Here’s another perspective. I don’t have any belief in an afterlife — therefore it seems timely and prudent to do good while still alive and available. An example is our house rule regarding our pets: “When passing by a cat or dog, always stop to give a little positive acknowledgement.” A soft word and a brief touch on the fur only takes a few seconds, gives reassurance, costs nothing, and both of us feel better. This attitude can also be generalized into how to treat other humans. It might be showing a smile to a stranger — or saying a grateful “thank you” to another person.

I am particularly grateful to clerks in stores for offering their labor during these unusual and possibly dangerous times. Yes, they are getting paid — although probably not enough. They are also submitting to the uncertainty and risk that someone they’re serving might unknowingly be contagious. These courageous clerks should be the ones getting thanked by the benefited customers.

There is precedent for this. Perhaps the best known is 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, which (paraphrased) says, “It is better to give than to receive.” Modern psychological studies have demonstrated that ‘giving’ does indeed have positive effects upon social connections, happiness, health, and is contagious in creating good will and trust. John 3:16 would even describe giving as a form of love. It seems like a winner.

Finally, the act of giving (for example, saying a sincere “thank you” to a clerk or health worker) is a form of personal integrity. It means that you have taken responsibility for your own thought, decision and purposeful action. Isn’t that what freedom of conscience and morality is all about? Isn’t that the American way? Well, it could be. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Gene Johnson, Polson