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School year to begin with masks-optional approach

Lake County Leader | August 11, 2021 12:00 PM

Lake County public schools are welcoming students back this month with the intent to resume school life similar in most ways to life before the pandemic.

Charlo, Arlee, St. Ignatius and Ronan/Pablo plan to open schools with Phase 3 protocols in place. The Polson School Board will meet Monday to vote on a recommendation to do the same.

Phase 3 protocols mean masks are optional, and the schools are fully resuming all in-school instruction, but many of the practices begun during the pandemic will continue. Handwashing, distancing and improved air filters will be part of the new normal, and anyone who is sick is asked to stay home.

“We plan on keeping a lot of the protocols in place,” said Ronan/Pablo Superintendent Mark Johnston. He noted daytime janitors, sanitizing and “trying to keep kids spread apart when possible” as examples. For masking policy, they are following the Lake County Board of Health recommendations, which currently call for use of masks to be optional.

The Ronan/Pablo district will go back to five-day school weeks after going to four days last year. Johnston said it seems to work better for parents, and it makes the school day a bit shorter. He said it was difficult to fit five days of lessons into four longer days, despite the hours being equivalent.

St. Ignatius will also be resuming five-day weeks after going to four days to reduce exposure last year.

“We’re back to pretty much normal except for spacing requirements,” St. Ignatius Superintendent Jason Sargent said. “Masks will be optional. We’ll be following the (Montana High School Association) and all other safety precautions as far as things like (Personal Protective Equipment) for classrooms, air purifiers and improved filters in all the heating systems.”

The return to five-day weeks will help focus on academic achievement and proficiency, he said, after the pandemic adjustments “took a toll” on skills and testing scores.

“We have four new Title 1 teachers and new technology, curriculum and programs,” Sargent said. “We have a big focus on academic achievement.”

Arlee superintendent Mike Perry said his district is starting the year off pretty much how last year ended, including sticking with the four-day school week. The only difference with the Phase 3 protocols will be that masks are optional indoors, not just outdoors.

“We’re still working on trying to keep kids 6 feet apart in the classroom and keeping them spread out on the buses.”

If other recommendations come from the state, county or Tribal governments, Perry said, “then we would move to more restrictive phases.” Last school year the district saw few COVID cases at school, mostly among staff who contracted it at other jobs on the weekend or other sites, he said.

The Charlo School District also is opening the year with Phase 3 protocols, but it’s adopting a four-day week.

“A lot of it came from teachers,” Superintendent Steve Love said. “It seemed like kids are more refreshed and ready to go on Monday mornings” with the four-day schedule, he said. “We’ll be hitting the ground running and going full strength Monday through Thursday.”

Of the county’s private schools, only Glacier Lake School in St. Ignatius could be contacted prior to press time. Officials said they have yet to make a decision and will work with Lake County Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Hall to determine this year’s COVID protocols. Air purifiers have been installed in every room.

School start dates

  • Arlee: Monday, Aug. 23; open house 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 19.
  • Charlo: Monday, Aug. 23.
  • Polson: Monday, Aug. 31.
  • Ronan/Pablo: Wednesday, Aug. 25.
  • St. Ignatius: Wednesday, Aug. 25; new student registration Wednesday, Aug. 11.
  • Glacier Lake School: Tuesday, Sept. 1; open house 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Aug. 28.
  • Mission Valley Christian Academy: Tuesday, Sept. 7; back to school event 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 2
  • Glacier View Christian: Monday, Aug. 23; registration day Monday, Aug. 16.

Back to school block party Aug. 21

A back to school health fair and block party will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21 in downtown Polson.

Free backpacks and school supplies will be given away, and the city’s fire trucks will be on site for tours.

The event is sponsored by CSKT Tribal Health; Anderson Broadcasting; St. Joseph Medical Center; Polson Police, Fire and Rescue; Lake County Sheriff’s Department; Polson School District; Teen Challenge; Polson United Methodist; and New Life Church.

Call 406-883-2447 for more information.

Editor's note (Aug. 14): A previous version of this article misstated whether officials at Glacier Lake School had set their school's policies for the upcoming school year.