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MAC slugger Umphrey returns home to host youth softball clinic

Sports Reporter | July 14, 2022 12:00 AM

ST. IGNATIUS – Summer school is in session for a couple local collegiate softballers. They are home for the summer and giving back to the community by providing softball lessons for young players.

“I wanted to provide more softball opportunities for young players in the valley because growing up the only options to get some lessons outside of the normal spring season were mainly baseball based,” said Azia Umphrey, former MAC Lady Bulldog slugger who booked 20 career home runs during her high school career.

Umphrey is currently headed into her sophomore season as a utility player for the University of Providence Lady Argos.

At the plate in her freshman season for the Lady Argos, Umphrey tallied 11 hits, seven RBIs, three doubles and a home run.

Running on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. until Aug. 19, the clinic is geared toward all age groups and focuses on helping players improve their fielding, pitching, hitting and catching skills.

“We pretty much cover every part of the game,” explained Umphrey. “One day is all offense, one day is all defense, and one day is pitching and catching.”

Umphrey is not completely on her own for the clinic as she is joined by current MAC Lady Bulldog Cassidy Orr and Columbia Basin College Lady Hawks pitcher and former all-state Ronan Lady Maiden Macao Jackson.

“Watching the girls get better every day and seeing how they put their new skills to use at the end of each day has been enjoyable,” noted Umphrey.

It’s been a neat summer experience for Umphrey who’s thought about pursuing a career in coaching after college.

“This is fun,” said one youngster grinning ear to ear as she took a big-league swing that caused her to completely spin around.

The clinic seems to be the kind of summer school both the teachers and the students appear to be enjoying.


A youngster works on her batting technique under the watchfull eye of MAC Lady Bulldog Cassidy Orr. (Rob Zolman/Lake County Leader)