Sunday, June 02, 2024

Love chosen as western region Superintendent of the Year

Reporter | May 16, 2024 12:00 AM

Ask Steve Love what he likes about being superintendent at Charlo Schools, and he’ll say the variety and the rural school values.

“Today I was on a video conference discussing a Department of Education Grant, then I was helping a kindergarten student. Then, the next thing you know, we were trying to figure out substitutes so I was covering a first grade class because the teacher had to be at a meeting. Some days I drive the bus,” Love said.

“There is something different all the time throughout the day,” he added. And that’s a good thing, since he enjoys variety and says he would hate to spend all day in his office. 

Love’s peers at the Western Association of School Superintendents clearly appreciate his attitude, commitment to high education standards and professionalism. They recently voted him Superintendent of the Year. 

Jason Sargent, president of the association and St. Ignatius superintendent, notes that Love has overseen significant improvements to facilities during his tenure, including updating HVAC systems, adding a gym, and making significant improvements to the football field and track. 

He’s also pursued literacy grants, championed academic excellence, and offered advice and leadership to fellow superintendents. 

“Mr. Love has been a superintendent, principal, coach, teacher, transportation director, bus driver and head of maintenance all in the same day,” writes Sargent. “He is a wonderful role model for students, teachers, staff and community."   

As Superintendent of the Year for the western region, Love will also be a finalist for the State Superintendent of Year award. 

Love, who was born and raised in Townsend, began college hoping to become an athletic trainer, but discovered the work was not what he thought it would be. When his college adviser noticed Love had taken lots of physical education classes, he asked what else was in his wheelhouse, and Love noted he was pretty good at math. He ended up earning a teaching degree from University of Montana-Western in Dillon. 

He applied for a job in Charlo as part-time principal, math teacher and head football coach, and was offered the position.

“Then I became the K-12 principal and then the superintendent, but it was never ever on my radar to be an administrator,” Love said.

Based on his own experience, he tells kids “you just never know what might come along in a career path.”

Love and his wife, Janene, have now lived in Charlo for 23 years. All three of the couple’s children – Aislynn, Ariel and Tucker – attended Charlo schools. 

Aislynn is an ER nurse, Ariel attends the University of Montana and intends to become an attorney, and Tucker is enrolled in the ROTC program at Carroll College. 

The Loves are horse lovers, and now that they are part-time empty nesters, Janene shows Quarter horses, and Steve enjoys riding. 

Since it’s branding season and friends have been asking him to help out, Love was planning to help brand calves last weekend. 

“Being outside, being on a horse, being with my buddies,” Love enthused. “I’m looking forward to that.”

Then he’ll be back in the saddle at District 7J Monday, working for Charlo students.