Thursday, February 13, 2025

Legals for August, 28 2024

| August 28, 2024 12:00 AM

MONTANA TWENTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LAKE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: PAUL S. PHILIPS, Deceased. Dept. No.: 2002 Cause No.: DP-24-50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to CHERYL PHILIPS, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, at c/o Bjornson Jones Mungas, PLLC, 2809 Great Northern Loop, Suite 100, Missoula, MT 59808, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. DATED this 8TH day of August 2024. \S\Cheryl Philips, Personal Representative Bjornson Jones Mungas, PLLC By: Craig Mungas Attorneys for Cheryl Philips, Personal Representative PUBLISHED AUGUST 15TH, 22ND, & 29TH, 2024. MNAXLP ___________________

REQUEST FOR QUOTES/BIDS This is a solicitation for a quote/bid to develop a building plan for the Flathead Reservation Water Management Board (Board). The RFP includes planning and cost-estimates for site-selection, architecture design and planning, permitting, and implementation through the construction and building finalization phases of the project. For more information visit our website, Letters of interest or questions should be sent via electronic format to, ATTN: Water Engineer – Building RFP. The Office of the Engineer phone number is 406-201-2532. PUBLISHED AUGUST 22ND & 29TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Storage Auction: In accordance with the provisions of Montana Law, Code Ann. §70-6-420; there being past due and unpaid charges for the storage of your property, TSMR Storage, (located at 36339 Mink Lane, Ronan, MT 406.260.2371) is entitled to satisfy an owner’s lien of said property.  Therefore, notice is hereby given that TSMR Storage will sell via auction described below belonging to the individual(s) listed below starting 10:00 AM, on Saturday, September 7th. If there are no bidders, the property will be donated to charity or disposed of accordingly. Randy Hinson Adam Smith Jordan Roberts Billy Mcdoughell Emily Robinson Jennifer Cramer Tracy Korodi Paul Malatare Dustin Hagen Shelby Triplett Beverly Diaz Daylan, J, Little Joseph D Redthunder All contents sold “as is” and by unit only.  Seller neither warrants title to any items sold and does not make any express or implied warranties to any item sold.  We reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. PUBLISHED AUGUST 22ND & 29TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

PUBLIC NOTICE City of Polson, Montana  NOTICE OF RESOLUTION LEVYING THE ASSESSMENT TO DEFRAY ANNUAL COSTS  OF MAINTENANCE AND ELECTRICAL POWER TO POLSON LIGHTING DISTRICTS  NOS 19 AND 20, SID #42 ASSESSMENTS, AND DELINQUENT  WATER/SEWER/STORMWATER ASSESSMENTS    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Polson, Montana, will hold  a public hearing on September 4, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers or by Zoom meeting if necessary to receive public comment on the proposed Resolution to levy the assessments to defray annual costs of maintenance and electrical power within the City of Polson’s two Lighting Districts Nos. 19 and 20, SID #42 assessments and delinquent water/sewer/stormwater assessments for the fiscal year 2024 – 2025. Written comments will be received at the City Clerk’s office until 4:00 pm on August 31, 2024. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the public hearing and be heard for or against the proposed Resolution.    The Resolution and a description of the boundaries of the Lighting District Nos. 19 and 20 is on file and open to inspection at City Hall, 106 1st Street E., Polson, Montana in the City Clerk’s office. For further information contact Jodi O’Sullivan, Finance Officer, 406-883-8204 or by email at    The City Commission will consider the adoption of the proposed Resolution at its Regular Commission Meeting on the 4th day of September at 7:00 PM in the City Hall Chambers or by Zoom meeting if necessary. Information on how to access the meeting if it is a Zoom meeting will be provided on the published agenda.     Publish August 22nd, 2024 and August 29th, 2024  MNAXLP __________________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS MONTANA TWENTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT LAKE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTAE OF URCLE C. CAMPBELL, JR., Decedent. Hon. John A. Mercer Cause No. DP-24-49 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that M. Carolyn Campbell has been appointed the Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be either mailed to M. Carolyn Campbell, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, c/o R. Spencer Bradford, Bulman Jones & Cook PLLC, P.O. Box 8202, Missoula, Montana 59807-8202, or filed with the Clerk of the Montana Twentieth Judicial District Court. DATED this 16th day of August, 2024. BULMAN JONES & COOK PLLC By: R. Spencer Bradford Attorneys for the Personal Representative CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 16th day of August, 2024, I served upon the following a true and correct copy of the foregoing by U.S. mail. David Heath Campbell 1000 18th Street Apt 2 Havre, MT 59501 Caroline Campbell 530 Burton Apt 5 Missoula, MT 59802 \S\ Brenda Jones for Bulman Jones & Cook PLLC PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH, SEPTEMBER 5TH & 12th, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF LAKE COUNTY, MONTANA LEGACY VI TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. SAVANNAH SEDERBURG, and ELIJAH ROSE, Defendants. Cause No.: CV-24-331-CT SUMMONS THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S): Savannah Sederburg and Elijah Rose 35246 Anna Lee Ln. Polson, MT 59860 YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you. Pursuant to § 70-27-114(1)(b), MCA, you must file your Answer with the Court within ten (10) business days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service. A $30.00 fee per Defendant must be accompanied by your answer. You must also serve a copy of your answer upon the Plaintiff’s attorney, Trevor Carlson, P.O. Box 3703, Great Falls, Montana 59403. If you fail to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court, the 11TH day of July, 2024. \S\ Rick Shoening Justice of the Peace or Clerk of Justice Court PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH, SEPTEMBER 5TH & 12TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

CS&KT TRIBAL LANDS DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)Appraisal Services The Tribal Lands Department is soliciting bids to perform Appraisal Services. Bids are due by September 11th, 2024 at 4:30 pm. This notice is furnished to acquaint bidders with some of the requirements of the proposed contract. If bidders wish to submit a bid proposal or have questions, please call DesiRae Nault at (406) 675-2700 Ext. 1049. A bidder must be prepared to assume full responsibility for the success of the operation under the terms of the contract at the prices bid. If the wording of this notice disagrees with the contract, the contract is final and binding. SCOPE OF WORK Appraisal services is to provide an unbiased professional opinion to determine the fair market value of any real property interest and to conduct an analysis or consulting assignment to real property decisions based on current market conditions. Appraisals that conforms to the USPAP Standards and the Federal Land Acquisition (Yellow Book) Standards. THIS IS A SEALED BID AND A TRIBAL MEMBER PREFERENCE BID, however, bidding is not limited to only tribal members. Tribal members claiming Indian Preference must include an Indian Preference Certificate in the bid packet. Tribal Contractors who wish to receive Indian Preference must obtain certification by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Indian Preference Office as a legitimate Indian-owned business prior to the submission of bids. In order to claim Indian Preference, proof of Indian Preference Certification must be included with your bid in the form of a copy of the certificate issued by the Indian Preference Office. Be advised, evidence of your membership or affiliation with a tribe does not constitute Indian Preference certification. The selection of the successful contractor and award of this project will be per the provisions of the CSKT Indian Preference Ordinance 101A. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to obtain and provide proof of Indian Preference certification from the Indian Preference Office. For more information on Indian Preference certification, contact Melinda Charlo, (406) 675-2700 ext. 1045. TIMEFRAME The Contractor shall begin work as soon as practicable after receiving the approved contract and notice to proceed. Reports shall be completed by the contract expiration date. BID SUBMITTAL All bids must be addressed and mailed or drop off to Tribal Lands Department, PO Box 278, Pablo, MT 59855; bid opening will be located at the Tribal Lands Office (Conference Room). All Bids must be labeled on the outside as “Bid for 2024 Appraisal” on the outside of the envelope. The deadline for bid acceptance will be September 11th, 2024 at 4:30 PM. At which no other bids will be accepted and bid opening will commence. Bidders need not be present at the bid opening to be awarded the contract. The contract award shall be based on the best value expected from a bidder capable of completing the work on all planting blocks. The successful bidder is required to submit, failing to have following criteria will result in an unsuccessful bid. 1. A completed Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification 2. A Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion, Lower Tier Covered Transactions. 3. Certificate(s) of Insurance for workers’ compensation insurance and comprehensive general liability insurance PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH & SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

CS&KT TRIBAL LANDS DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) PHASE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS The Tribal Lands Department is soliciting bids to perform Phase 1 Environmental assessments. Bids are due by September 11th, 2024 at 4:30 pm. This notice is furnished to acquaint bidders with some of the requirements of the proposed contract. If bidders wish to submit a bid proposal or have questions, please call DesiRae Nault at (406) 675-2700 Ext. 1049. A bidder must be prepared to assume full responsibility for the success of the operation under the terms of the contract at the prices bid. If the wording of this notice disagrees with the contract, the contract is final and binding. SCOPE OF WORK An environmental site assessment is a report prepared for a real estate holding that identifies potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities that addresses both the underlying land as well as physical improvements to the property by visual observations, historical use reviews and regulatory records. THIS IS A SEALED BID AND A TRIBAL MEMBER PREFERENCE BID, however, bidding is not limited to only tribal members. Tribal members claiming Indian Preference must include an Indian Preference Certificate in the bid packet. Tribal Contractors who wish to receive Indian Preference must obtain certification by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Indian Preference Office as a legitimate Indian-owned business prior to the submission of bids. In order to claim Indian Preference, proof of Indian Preference Certification must be included with your bid in the form of a copy of the certificate issued by the Indian Preference Office. Be advised, evidence of your membership or affiliation with a tribe does not constitute Indian Preference certification. The selection of the successful contractor and award of this project will be per the provisions of the CSKT Indian Preference Ordinance 101A. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to obtain and provide proof of Indian Preference certification from the Indian Preference Office. For more information on Indian Preference certification, contact Melinda Charlo, (406) 675-2700 ext. 1045. TIMEFRAME The Contractor shall begin work as soon as practicable after receiving the approved contract and notice to proceed. Reports shall be completed by the contract expiration date. BID SUBMITTAL All bids must be addressed and mailed or drop off to Tribal Lands Department, PO Box 278, Pablo, MT 59855; bid opening will be located at the Tribal Lands Office (Conference Room). All Bids must be labeled on the outside as “Bid for 2024 Phase 1” on the outside of the envelope. The deadline for bid acceptance will be September 11th, 2024 at 4:30 PM. At which no other bids will be accepted and bid opening will commence. Bidders need not be present at the bid opening to be awarded the contract. The contract award shall be based on the best value expected from a bidder capable of completing the work on all planting blocks. The successful bidder is required to submit, failing to have following criteria will result in an unsuccessful bid. 1. A completed Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification 2. A Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion, Lower Tier Covered Transactions. 3. Certificate(s) of Insurance for workers’ compensation insurance and comprehensive general liability insurance PUBLISHED AUGUST 29 & SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

CS&KT TRIBAL LANDS DEPARTMENT  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) Surveying Services    The Tribal Lands Department is soliciting bids to perform Surveying Services.  Bids are due by September 11, 2024 at 4:30 pm.  This notice is furnished to acquaint bidders with some of the requirements of the proposed contract.  If bidders wish to submit a bid proposal or have questions, please call DesiRae Nault at (406) 675-2700 Ext. 1049.  A bidder must be prepared to assume full responsibility for the success of the operation under the terms of the contract at the prices bid.  If the wording of this notice disagrees with the contract, the contract is final and binding.    SCOPE OF WORK  A land survey is used to locate, describe, and map out the boundaries of a piece of land. It also includes of the dimensions of the parcel, as well as any physical features, both natural and manufactured (buildings and other improvements).    THIS IS A SEALED BID AND A TRIBAL MEMBER PREFERENCE BID, however, bidding is not limited to only tribal members. Tribal members claiming Indian Preference must include an Indian Preference Certificate in the bid packet.   Tribal Contractors who wish to receive Indian Preference must obtain certification by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Indian Preference Office as a legitimate Indian-owned business prior to the submission of bids. In order to claim Indian Preference, proof of Indian Preference Certification must be included with your bid in the form of a copy of the certificate issued by the Indian Preference Office. Be advised, evidence of your membership or affiliation with a tribe does not constitute Indian Preference certification. The selection of the successful contractor and award of this project will be per the provisions of the CSKT Indian Preference Ordinance 101A. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to obtain and provide proof of Indian Preference certification from the Indian Preference Office. For more information on Indian Preference certification, contact Melinda Charlo, (406) 675-2700 ext. 1045.    TIMEFRAME  The Contractor shall begin work as soon as practicable after receiving the approved contract and notice to proceed.  Reports shall be completed by the contract expiration date.    BID SUBMITTAL  All bids must be addressed and mailed or drop off to Tribal Lands Department, PO Box 278, Pablo, MT 59855; bid opening will be located at the Tribal Lands Office (Conference Room). All Bids must be labeled on the outside as “Bid for 2024 Survey” on the outside of the envelope.  The deadline for bid acceptance will be September 11th, 2024 at 4:30 PM. At which no other bids will be accepted and bid opening will commence. Bidders need not be present at the bid opening to be awarded the contract. The contract award shall be based on the best value expected from a bidder capable of completing the work on all planting blocks. The successful bidder is required to submit, failing to have following criteria will result in an unsuccessful bid.  1. A completed Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification   2. A Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion, Lower Tier Covered Transactions.  3. Certificate(s) of Insurance for workers’ compensation insurance and comprehensive general liability insurance   PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH & SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

CS&KT TRIBAL LANDS DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)TITLE INSURANCE & RESEARCH The Tribal Lands Department is soliciting bids to perform Title Insurance & Research. Bids are due by September 11th, 2024 at 4:30 pm. This notice is furnished to acquaint bidders with some of the requirements of the proposed contract. If bidders wish to submit a bid proposal or have questions, please call DesiRae Nault at (406) 675-2700 Ext. 1049. A bidder must be prepared to assume full responsibility for the success of the operation under the terms of the contract at the prices bid. If the wording of this notice disagrees with the contract, the contract is final and binding. SCOPE OF WORK The policy and research is meant to insure against financial loss or damage occurring from title defects: covering all but not limited to the common claims filed against a title including outstanding taxes or liens, encumbrances, or defects in a property’s title or actual ownership during a land acquisition transaction. THIS IS A SEALED BID AND A TRIBAL MEMBER PREFERENCE BID, however, bidding is not limited to only tribal members. Tribal members claiming Indian Preference must include an Indian Preference Certificate in the bid packet. Tribal Contractors who wish to receive Indian Preference must obtain certification by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Indian Preference Office as a legitimate Indian-owned business prior to the submission of bids. In order to claim Indian Preference, proof of Indian Preference Certification must be included with your bid in the form of a copy of the certificate issued by the Indian Preference Office. Be advised, evidence of your membership or affiliation with a tribe does not constitute Indian Preference certification. The selection of the successful contractor and award of this project will be per the provisions of the CSKT Indian Preference Ordinance 101A. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to obtain and provide proof of Indian Preference certification from the Indian Preference Office. For more information on Indian Preference certification, contact Melinda Charlo, (406) 675-2700 ext. 1045. TIMEFRAME The Contractor shall begin work as soon as practicable after receiving the approved contract and notice to proceed. Reports shall be completed by the contract expiration date. BID SUBMITTAL All bids must be addressed and mailed or drop off to Tribal Lands Department, PO Box 278, Pablo, MT 59855; bid opening will be located at the Tribal Lands Office (Conference Room). All Bids must be labeled on the outside as “Bid for 2024 Title Insurance” on the outside of the envelope. The deadline for bid acceptance will be September 11th, 2024 at 4:30 PM. At which no other bids will be accepted and bid opening will commence. Bidders need not be present at the bid opening to be awarded the contract. The contract award shall be based on the best value expected from a bidder capable of completing the work on all planting blocks. The successful bidder is required to submit, failing to have following criteria will result in an unsuccessful bid. 1. A completed Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification 2. A Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion, Lower Tier Covered Transactions. 3. Certificate(s) of Insurance for workers’ compensation insurance and comprehensive general liability insurance PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH & SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

Notice of 2nd Public Hearing – Lake County Grant Application for Renovations to the Ronan Fairgrounds The Lake County Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 1:30 PM in the Commissioner’s Chambers on the second floor of the Lake County Courthouse at 106 4th Ave East in Polson, for the purpose of obtaining public comments regarding a proposed application to the Montana Departments of Commerce Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. CDBG funds will be used to complete the renovation of the Ronan Fairgrounds buildings, including upgraded and additional restrooms, addressing deficiencies within the Community Center, improving the kitchen facilities and resolving various code deficiencies as provide in a Preliminary Engineering Report updated in August 2023. At the public hearing, the proposed project will be explained, including the scope of the project, proposed activities, and budget. The project was initially proposed at previous public hearings held by the Commission to gather public input and identify needs for projects that would better serve the citizens of Lake County. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to express their opinions regarding these proposed projects. The County Commissioners are especially interested in receiving input from low-moderate income persons who may be impacted by the project. At the closing of the hearing, the Commission will entertain a resolution to submit the application to the project as proposed. Comments may be given orally at the hearing or submitted in writing before 12:00 PM on Monday, September 9, 2024 addressed to Lake County Commission at the above address or by email to Anyone who would like more information on this project or who wants to submit questions or comments should contact Billie Lee, Lake County Director of Grants and Special Projects, 406-872-2362 or by email at Those persons requiring elevator access to the hearing may gain entrance through the Sheriff’s Department on the north side of the building. PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH & SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2024. MNAXLP __________________________

PUBLIC HEARING The Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 10:00 am in the Commissioners Chambers located inside the Lake County Courthouse at 106 4th Avenue East, Polson MT, 59860, for the purpose of taking public comment on the Resolution to Amend the Boundaries of the Rollins Rural Fire District. If you cannot attend the hearing and wish to submit public comment, you may do so to the address above, or by email to Please include the Resolution Number in your subject line. For more information or to review the proposed map, please contact the office at 406-883-7204 Resolution Number 24-30 Resolution of Intent to Amend the Boundaries of the Rollins Rural Fire District WHEREAS, The Board of the Rollins Rural Fire District is in receipt, and has approved at its regular meeting of January 30, 2024, the petition of the Flathead Ridge Ranch to expand the said District boundaries to include the following described parcels, to wit: TWO TRACTS OF LAND, SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.,M., LAKE COUNTY, MONTANA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: TRACT 1: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 25 North, Range 21 West, P.M., M., Lake County, Montana. TRACT 2: The East Half of the Northwest Quarter, and The South Half of the Northeast Quarter, and The Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 25 North, Range 21 West, P.M., M., Lake County, Montana. all as shown in the records of Lake County, Montana. A map depicting the physical location of the parcels is attached as Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, Whereas the said Petition is signed by the sole owner of the land proposed to be included in the Rollins Rural Fire District; and, WHEREAS, The Lake County Commission intends to amend the said boundaries of the Rollins Rural Fire District consistent with the petition therefor and the action of the Rollins Rural Fire District Board; and WHEREAS, Section 7-33-2125, MCA, and specifically 7-1-2121, MCA, require that public notice of this Resolution be published once per week for two weeks in the local newspaper of record; and, WHEREAS, The Lake County Commission intends to hold public hearing on the within Resolution of Intention on the Thursday the 12th of September at 10:00 am in the Commissioners Chambers located inside the Lake County Courthouse at 106 4th Avenue East, Polson MT, Room 211 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; That the Lake County Board of Commissioners shall hold public hearing on the Petition and this Resolution on the time and day aforesaid, and that the same shall be publicly noticed as required by law. Passed on this 27th day of August, 2024. Board of Lake County Commissioners /s/ Gale Decker, Chairman /s/ Steve Stanley, Member /s/ William D. Barron, Member Attest: /s/ Kendra Steele, Clerk and Recorder PUBLISHED AUGUST 296TH & SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL  The Lake County Commissioners are seeking proposals for funding a paving project in Lake County to install road surface improvements at the request of citizens in the proposed district, for: asphalt paving of the existing Briarwood Circle Road, road width to be 21 feet. Highway 93 approach to mailboxes and 16 feet around the loop. Full proposal available upon request to the Board of Lake County Commissioners.  The proposal shall include the interest rate, and any other fees, and a statement of availability of funds for an estimated start date to be determined.   A payment schedule of 10 years should be included, and prepayment without penalty should be allowed.   The proposed sum needed for funding is approximately $204,300.00  Please submit sealed proposals to the Board of Lake County Commissioners at 106 4th Avenue East, Polson, MT 59860, by Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Proposals will be opened and considered by the Board of Lake County Commissioners on Thursday, September 19,2024 at 10:00 am.  Lake County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.  PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH & SEPTEMBER 05TH, 2024. MNAXLP __________________________

LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL/QUALIFICATIONS FOR CONSULTANT FOR SUBDIVISION/REGULATORY UPDATES AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT SERVICES Lake County has received both a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and a Montana Community Reinvestment award by the Montana Department of Commerce (MDOC) for a project of two different, but related parts. The first part includes updating the County’s subdivision codes (not updated since 2010) and studying how the codes impact the development of affordable and workforce housing in the County. The second part will include an examination of alternatives to such development that assure long term affordability under several real-life scenarios (at least three) to be mutually agreed upon between the Commission and the selected consultant. The two-part deliverables are related through the revised subdivision regulations that are incorporated in to one or more identified alternatives. The term of the agreement will not exceed 18 months from the date of the contract. Fees for services will be paid with awarded funds in combination with those contributed by Lake County. The County will entertain proposals from associated as well as individual firms. The primary services to be provided will include the following, with the proviso that due to the unusual nature of the project, a final scope of work will be determined upon consultation with the Lake County Planner, Lake County Director, Special Projects and others to be determined upon selection of a contractor. Respondents will be required to submit, with their proposal, a presentation relative to their qualifications to complete such a project; and provide an outline of how they propose to approach achieving the project deliverables. Questions and responses should be directed to Tiffani Murphy, 106 4th Ave E, Polson, MT 59860. All responses must be made electronically in PDF format and received no later than Friday, September 27, 2024 at 5:00 PM MDT. Electronic responses should be sent electronically to Two (2) hardcopies must be then delivered to the above address no later than Monday, September 30, 2024. Please state “Subdivision/Affordable Housing Review Proposal” on the outside of the response package. This solicitation is being offered in accordance with federal and state statutes governing procurement of professional services. Accordingly, the Lake County Commission reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH & SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

/NOTICE TO CREDITORS MONTANA TWENTIETH JUDICIAL COURT LAKE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES A. MACHACEK, Deceased. Probate No.: DP.24.53 Dept. No.: 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to present their claim within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to KELLY J. JACOBSON, return receipt requested, c/o Worden Thane P.C., 321 W. Broadway St., Ste. 300, Missoula, MT 59802-4142, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH, SEPTEMBER 5TH & SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

Request for Proposals (RFP) for CSKT Managed Print Services Sealed Bid Objective: This RFP is for Managed Print Services. CSKT seeks a partner to provide best-in-class service and support for CSKT’s multi-function devices, printers, and mailing systems across our geographic footprint (see section 5 for geographic locations pertinent to this RFP). Services will be provided in a phased approach where current devices will remain in the fleet through the end of their defined lifecycles. As each device reaches end-of-life it will be replaced by a supplier-supported device. CSKT is not seeking to replace the existing fleet of printers at this time. It is vitally important to CSKT to find a partner who can ensure all print/scan/MFP/mailing equipment is fully covered and available for use at or above agreed upon SLA levels. Background: CSKT requires partners to have previous experience in MPS and ongoing fleet management with tribal nations that have a fleet similar in size to the fleet below. Please include your background in this response. Additional Bid Requirements Bids must be sealed and clearly marked as “SEALED BID CS&KT Information Technology Managed Print Services” on the outside envelope. Sealed bids may be hand-delivered to CS&KT Information Technology in Pablo Montana at 42464 Complex Blvd. or mailed to PO BOX 278, Pablo MT 59855. Bids must be submitted on or before 5:30 p.m. on September 04, 2024. Bids submitted by mail shall be postmarked by September 04, 2024. For moreinformation contact Celeste Hewankorn, Information Technology at (406) 675-2700 ext. 1278, or Service Requirements: a. Annual supplier-conducted printer fleet assessment (if necessary) b. Maintenance of fleet (outlined in section 5) including CSKT owned, and supplier provided devices, to include: (i) Consumables (ii) Parts, including drums, fuser units, transfer kits, waste toner bottles, rollers, paper guides, meter tape, bond paper, and other parts as needed. (iii) (OEM) Ink and toner cartridges required. c. Labor, including delivery of consumables and parts, and drive time. d. Break-fix services: (i) Capability to accept incident reports by email or telephone (ii) Dispatch according to agreed SLAs (Section 6) during contract coverage hours e. Client-facing web portal, which provides, at a minimum, the following data: (i) Number of managed and non-managed devices on the network (ii) Equipment details – Manufacturer, model, serial number, IP address, MAC address (iii) Location of device (iv) Color vs. B/W devices (v) Local vs. networked devices (vi) Operating levels per each device f. Device Software: Drivers, Utilities, auto meter collection (networked devices) g. Training (i) User Training (ii) Technician training (if needed to allow CSKT IT to triage issues before engaging supplier) Fleet Overview: Service provider must fulfill service requirements outlined in section four to the following fleet of 404 total devices. a. 236 Printers: HP (primarily), Canon, Brother, Kyocera, b. 97 Copiers: Toshiba (primarily), Konica Minolta, Konica Minolta, Konica Minolta, Sharp, Kyocera c. Three mailing systems: Hasler, Pitney Bowes d. 11 Plotters: HP Average monthly volume: Mono: 192,197, Color: 167,268 Montana Zip codes of Operation: Service provider must cover the following locations. MT zip codes of operation: Arlee 59821, St. Ignatius 59865, Ronan 59864, Pablo 59855, Polson 59860, Hot Springs 59845, Elmo 59915 SLA’s, KPI’s, Metrics: Please see the SLAs and metrics which will be used to govern this program. These metrics have been reviewed and approved by all stakeholders. a. 4-hour response time for local offices: Pablo, St. Ignatius, Ronan, Arlee, Polson b. 8–hour response time for satellite offices: Elmo, Hot Springs PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Lake County Commissioners did March 5, 6, 14, 20, 27, 2024, approve claims for payments in the amount of $2,186,676.78 for the period of March 1, 2024 through March 31, 2024. The Board of Lake County Commissioners did April 4, 11, 19, 26 and May 2, 2024, approve claims for payments in the amount of $3,298,113.85 for the period of April 1, 2024, through April 30, 2024. BOARD OF LAKE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /s/ Gale Decker, Chairman PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS City of Polson Polson, MT 2024 Polson Street Improvements – Mill/Fill General Notice City of Polson (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: 2024 Polson Street Improvements – Mill/Fill Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the City Hall located at 106 1st St E, Polson, MT 59860, until Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. local time. At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Project generally includes the following Work: Cold milling existing pavement with 2” overlay, new striping, and utility adjustments. The Project limits are: 1st Street East between 2nd Avenue East (i.e. US Hwy 93) and 5th Avenue East and, 2nd Street East, between 3rd Avenue East and 4th Avenue East. Bids are requested for the following Contract: Polson Street Improvements Project Obtaining the Bidding Documents The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: HDR 700 SW Higgins Ave., Suite 200 Missoula, MT 59803 To obtain Bidding Documents either electronically or hard copies, contact: Devie Bessette with HDR at (406) 532-2200 or The contact person for design questions is: Riley Lubbers, PE with HDR. He can be contacted at (406) 532-2229 or Prospective Bidders may obtain or examine the Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office on Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM local time, and may obtain copies of the Bidding Documents from the Issuing Office as described above. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office. Electronic bidding documents in portable document format (PDF) are available free of charge by contacting Devie Bessette at 406-532-2200 or Documents will either be emailed or a link to a OneDrive site will be provided for downloading bidding documents. Additional Bid Requirements Bids must be sealed and clearly marked as “2024 Polson Street Improvements – Mill/Fill Project” on the outside envelope. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier’s Check, or Bid Bond payable to the City of Polson, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid. The successful Bidder shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract amount. Insurance as required shall be provided by the successful Bidder and a certificate of that insurance shall be provided. If the Invitation to Bid is amended, then all terms and conditions which are not modified remain unchanged. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to keep informed of any changes to the solicitation. Bidders must sign and return with their Bid an Acknowledgment of Addendum for any addendum issued. Bids that fail to include an Acknowledgement of Addendum may be considered unresponsive. The right is reserved to reject any or all Bids received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible Bid which is in the best interest of the Owner. Bidders are responsible for reviewing all Bidding Documents. For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents. This Advertisement is issued by: Owner: City of Polson By: Kim Sassaman Title: City Finance Office PUBLISHED AUGUST 29TH, SEPTEMBER 5TH & 12TH, 2024. MNAXLP __________________________