Monday, February 10, 2025

Chowing down at the Flossie Challenge

Editor | June 20, 2024 12:00 AM

Sam Dempsey ate his fill, and then some, last Friday at Big Arm Resort and Casino.

He and three other contestants attempted to consume the nearly five-pound burger placed before them. Dempsey heroically managed to chow down on most of the meal, but left 14 ounces on his plate.

“He got close, but fell short,” said Zeke Keeler, director of Marketing Operations for S&K Gaming, of Dempsey’s accomplishment in the inaugural Flossie Challenge.

Resort chef Joe Usher created the original Flossie Burger, comprised of smoked brisket, beef from Montana Marbled Meats, in-house pickled onions, cowboy candy (pickled jalapeños done “the Montana way”), cheese and onion rings, served with a side of fries and a dill wedge.

The Flossie Challenge basically quadruples the original burger. Participants pay $45 to compete and have 30 minutes to vanquish the mountainous meal.

If they succeed, they receive their photo on the Flossie Hall of Fame, a complementary meal and bragging rights. If they fail, their photo is relegated to the Wall of Shame.

In addition to Dempsey, the cage manager at Gray Wolf Peak Casino in Evaro, competitors included KwaTaqNuk Resort employees Thomas Mathias and Aaron Burnside, and Michael Mischke of Big Sky Fishing Charters.

“They gave it their all,” said Keeler. “But no one succeeded.”

Keeler invites anyone with a big appetite to try the challenge Thursday-Sunday at the resort, located on the bay in Big Arm. “Bring friends and compete,” he suggests. Or, just settle for a Flossie Burger – which Keeler shared recently with his wife.

“From personal experience, as well as hearing from everyone that has ordered it, is noted to be the best burger they have ever had, which goes a long way!”

    Sam Dempsey contemplates a nearly five-pound burger at the onset of last Friday's Flossie Challenge at Big Arm Resort and Casino. Dempsey took first place, despite leaving 14 ounces on his plate. (Charlene Wells/Leader)
    Anyone with an extra-large appetite is invited to visit Big Arm Resort and try the Flossie Challenge – five pounds of brisket, burger and other tasty ingredients. (S&K Gaming photo)