Legals for January, 9 2025
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate Cause No. 24-0342-P THE CONDFEDERATED SALISH AND KOOTENAI TRIBAL COURT OF THE FLATHEAD RESERVATION, PABLO, MONTANA IN RE THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JOLENE MARIE FREY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Scott Graham has been appointed Personal Represetative of the above-named estate. All Persons having claims against the said Deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, or to the Clerk of Court of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Court, , PO Box 278, Pablo, Montana 59855 Dated this 23rd of December, 2024 /s/ Scott Graham Personal Representative PUBLISHED JANUARY 2ND, 9TH & 16TH, 2024. MNAXLP __________________________
PUBLIC NOTICE, COURTHOUSE HOURS OF OPERATION AND ESTABLISHING HOLIDAYS 2025 RESOLUTION 25-01 COURTHOUSE HOURS OF OPERATION AND ESTABLISHING 2025 HOLIDAYS WHEREAS, 7-5-2122 MCA, requires that the governing body of the county shall establish by resolution, regular meeting dates and notify the public of those dates; and WHEREAS, the Lake County Board of Commissioners agrees to hold regular meetings every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, between the hours of 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, and Wednesdays 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, unless otherwise posted (closed on legal holidays as set by MCA § 1-1-216); and New Year’s Day, January 1 Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 20 President’s Day, February 17 Memorial Day, May 26 Independence Day, July 4 Labor Day, September 1 Columbus Day, October 13 Veterans’ Day, November 11 Thanksgiving Day, November 27 Christmas Day, December 25 WHEREAS, the Lake County Board of Commissioners is also authorized to set regular office hours for the Lake County Courthouse and desires to do so with this resolution; and WHEREAS, the Lake County Board of Commissioners hereby sets office hours for the courthouse offices at 8:00 am through 5:00 pm, Monday through Fridy and closed on legal holidays as listed above; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that meetings may be called or cancelled by the Lake County Board of Commissioners as necessary to conduct county business at a time and place to be announced by proper public notice, and that, as public notices required by 7-5-2122 MCA this resolution will be published for two consecutive weeks in the Lake County Leader newspaper in January 2025; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is to have an immediate effective date. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 30th DAY OF December, 2024. BOARD OF LAKE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /s/Gale Decker, Chairman /s/ Steve Stanley, Member /s/ William D. Barron, Member Attest: /s/ Kendra Steele, Clerk & Recorder PUBLISHED JANUARY 2ND & 9TH, 2024 MNAXLP __________________________