Ronan Seniors: AARP tax help starts Feb. 5
The Mission Valley Senior Center, located across from St. Luke Hospital, hosts AARP Tax Preparation every other Wednesday, starting Feb. 5. For an appointment, call the center at 406-676-2371.
We are looking for a replacement for our head cook’s position. This is at least 21 hours a week and also the second Sunday of the month. This position will remain open until filled.
The annual dues of $10 are due.
Anyone is welcome to enjoy our meals – you don’t have to be a senior citizen! We ask for an $8 donation for our weekday meals and $10 for our Sunday meals. Those who would like a meal delivered – including businesses – are encouraged to call the center by 10 a.m. at 406-676-2371.
The birthday dinner, served Jan. 31, includes roast beef, salad and dessert. Other menu offerings are shepherd’s pie, Feb. 3; and lasagna, Feb. 5.
Pinochle is 1:30-4 p.m. Mondays; and the pool table is available 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Join the fun!
The Senior Center is available to rent. Call us at 406-676-2371 if you are having an event and need a location.
We are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday for lunch and other activities and are always looking for new members. Come in and give us a try!