Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Contact Us

Lake County Leader/NW Advertiser:

Phone: 406-883-4343
Fax: 406-883-4349

PO Box 1090,
108 1st Street East, Polson, MT

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm

President & Executive Publisher: Clint Schroeder


Laurie Ramos | lramos@leaderadvertiser.com

classifieds@dailyinterlake.com | 406-758-4465

polsonmail@leaderadvertiser.com | 406-883-4343

Editor | Kristi Niemeyer | editor@leaderadvertiser.com | 406-883-4343
Reporter | Berl Tiskus | btiskus@leaderadvertiser.com

The Lake County Leader/NW Advertiser sales department can be contacted regarding your advertising, image-building and printing needs. We offer a wide variety of services, and the ability to target an audience appropriate to your needs. The sales staff can be reached at 406-883-4343.

Laurie Ramos | Advertising Director | lramos@leaderadvertiser.com | 406-883-4343
Charlene Wells | Advertising Sales | cwells@leaderadvertiser.com | 406-883-4343
Eywon Lambert | Advertising Sales | elambert@leaderadvertiser.com | 406-883-4343
Taurie Matt | Office Administrator | tmatt@leaderadvertiser.com | 406-883-4343

Office Administrator | Submit an Obituary | 406-883-4343

The Lake County Leader accepts letters to the editor, please keep in mind the following points when submitting letters:

  • Shorter letters are the best read. If we have to choose between one long screed or five short letters, we'll run the five.
  • We won't run unsigned letters, letters that are in poor taste, letters that are potentially libelous, non-local letters, or letters that attack a local business. If we can't verify a letter, we won't run it. If you send us profanity, we'll either round-file your letter or change your language to fit a family newspaper. And all letters run on a space-available basis with no date guaranteed.
  • Maximum of one letter per writer per calendar month. Please note we are not guaranteeing a monthly letter from anyone. We're simply saying there can be only one letter, per month, per writer. No more, maybe less.
  • Regarding political letters:
  • No letters to the editor from candidates, members of their immediate family, or from their campaign staffs. Those are paid political ads.
  • Please refrain from submitting half a dozen letters of support for a candidate on the day before the election. We won't run them. Send them a couple of weeks earlier and there's no issue. We will not run letters criticizing a candidate within a week of the voting, because the person attacked doesn't have a fair chance for response.