Unique opportunity for voters of Montana HD 12
Without question, both our U.S. Constitution and Montana State Constitution are under direct frontal assault by activist judges and social Reconstructionists, many of whom are liberal attorneys and educators.
Recently this summer, at a University of Montana School of Law seminar, a Montana state legislator was quoted on TV that the Constitution is a living document, subject to continuous reinterpretation based upon the changing mores and culture of our time; and further, the only ones deemed capable of properly interpreting our constitution are the courts and their judges.
Thus, laws legislating against partial birth abortion, unelected, elitist judges routinely overturn sodomy, and gay marriage that recently have been enacted by various state legislatures and our own U.S. Congress.
This legislator's view is diametrically in opposition to the clearly defined mandates of both our U.S. and State Constitutions, which clearly direct that the making of law is the sole duty of our elected legislature, and is not the province of the courts.
Sadly, even our own legislators are woefully unaware of their own constitutional powers, and thus meekly acquiesce to the ever-growing judicial oligarchy.
The voters of Montana's House District 12 comprising most of Lake County, have rare opportunity that most other districts within Montana do not have, and that is the ability to send to Helena a man of uncompromising principles who fully understands and respects constitutional law.
This person is the Constitution Party's Rick Jore. I have known Rick for 13 years, and know him to be a man of unflinching integrity and conviction. Without a doubt, he is a staunch supporter of individual liberty and a passionate defender of our Constitutions. I, as a former Republican, urge you to vote Rick Jore, Constitution party for State Representative, House District 12, and begin to make a positive difference for our beloved State of Montana.
David C. Pearsall