Liberal media has hidden agenda
The liberal political media blitz against Tom Delay is a treacherous counterattack against good government. Tom Delay is spearheading a drive to do something to curb activist judges who cross over and legislate from the bench. At present the courts in Montana have imposed on the Legislature to design and fund a new school system. This is totally unconstitutional for courts.
The electorate is waking up to the take over and obstructionism of liberals like Tom Daschle who filibustered selection of good judges.
Like Daschle, the liberals will find themselves out of office at next election time. In another four years the House and Senate will have the super majority necessary to approve good judges.
What happened to the Democrat party? They have adopted the party platform that former communist presidential candidate, Gus Hall, used to advocate. The communist party no longer runs for president — it would split their electorate.
Wake up, America. Universal socialism equals communism. Communism self destructs. Where do social security, universal health care, tenure and job security, etc., fit in? They destroy the capitalistic free enterprise system and institute socialism, which eventually equals communism, which always collapses from lack of incentive.
Ernest Seablom
Ronan, MT