It's easier to answer what than why
A few years ago when I was trying my hand at freelance writing, I was visiting with a lady seated next to me on a flight between Salt Lake City and Missoula. Conversation led to asking what sort of work I was involved in. I told her I did a bit of freelance writing.
"Oh? why do you write?" she asked.
I wished she had asked what did I write, not why.
That would have been easier to answer: Travel pieces, profiles, business articles, faith or inspirational stories, humor, columns, history, some stabs at fiction, stuff like that.
But why write?
I gave an off the cuff, flip answer and that was the end of the conversation.
But it did get me to thinking about really why I like to write. Perhaps to earn money should be a top reason, but it isn't — there are thousands of easier ways to earn money than freelance writing. Among other reasons for writing, though, are the challenge of it, the chance to help bring recognition to folks for their achievements, the opportunity to share joys and sorrows, triumphs and tragedies, accomplishments and frustrations that are the slices of everyday life.
Inspirational stories can affect readers by making them feel something — to laugh, cry, care, appreciate, sympathize, empathize, to find or re-discover hope, motivation and sense of purpose.
Looking for new angles and new information about old topics is a chance to make history an adventure. And there's a possibility that business profiles or new product stories can help create new jobs.
Writers usually feel the people they write about have something to say, something to offer.
And ego plays a role. Garrison Keillor says that "shy people" write so that folks will notice them.
I suppose we do, otherwise we'd be among billions of faceless specks on this planet, because we feel we really don't do many things well enough to gain attention.
Anyway, a final word of advice: If you ever find yourself on an airplane seated next to someone who fancies himself or herself a writer, just ask what they write, not why. It's a heckuva lot easier to answer.