Sunday, November 24, 2024

Downing Street Memo and war are real

| July 14, 2005 12:00 AM


Thank you, Mr. Morin, for your satirical response to my last letter. It takes special talent to employ such wit when addressing sensitive issues such as current events in Iraq.

It should be noted that Mr. Morin and myself are not in collusion. The fact that he highlights the very points I raise is purely coincidental.

For example, the Downing Street Memo has been authenticated by sources on both sides of the Atlantic. Over 120 members of Congress have demanded answers from the White House in regard to this document.

Given the damning nature of the Downing Street Memo, that Bush planned to manipulate information to support the war and intentionally mislead the nation, the White House has ignored this request for clarification.

Also, the existence of torture centers operated by our government in foreign countries is not only documented by human rights groups but also confirmed by our own government.

For example, on May 20 the New York Times reported on an army investigation where innocent Afghan prisoners were handcuffed to a jail cell ceiling for days and then savagely beaten to death. On May 28, 2004, the Washington Post reported Pentagon findings of multiple homicides committed in U.S. prison facilities across Iraq and Afghanistan. The claim that such torture is isolated frat boy antics is wishful thinking at best.

Americans want to have faith in their leaders. No one should feel ashamed about being misled by the Bush administration. They have the best propaganda machine in the world and a timid Congress and press to back them up. However, mounting evidence exposes the layers of deception that jeopardizes our troops overseas and erodes our freedoms at home.

I hope that Mr. Morin and others will continue to respond to my letters. Cite your sources of information. Explain why you feel as you do. Personally, I'm happy to lay down the gauntlet by saying if anyone can prove that I've misused factual evidence, I will lay down my pen and cease writing letters to the editor.

I just wish President Bush would issue such a similar challenge.

David Daniels
