Trustee Finley appreciates support
I thank the many supporters I had during the recent School Board election. A little more than 10 percent of the eligible voters in the district turned out to vote, which can hardly be claimed as a mandate for change but change was the result.
I am looking forward to working with the other trustees and the administration in continued efforts to provide our students with the best possible learning environment.
I want to join the others in thanking Andy Stark for the past 15 years of volunteer work as a trustee and look forward to hearing his perspective on issues as they arise. He has graciously offered to assist me with my transition into the position and will answer any questions I have. He is the first to acknowledge when the information he is giving me is opinion and when it is policy or past practice. We are very fortunate to have a man of his character working to improve our schools.
Let me also assure the residents who voted for change that I look forward to their input concerning school issues. I will equally weigh the information and input I receive from all sources in order to provide a basis for my actions as an individual trustee. Remember that no one individual can speak for the entire board and together the majority opinion will determine board actions. It appears to me that every individual board member's opinion will be respected enroute to a collective decision that will better serve our students. After meeting and talking with the other trustees I am pleased to note that Polson School District has an exceptional group of individuals working to improve learning for all students in the district.
I would like to give a special thank you to Charles Bertsch and SuSan Dowdall for their support and efforts to get out the votes. Also, thank you to Gary Pitts for his comments and support. It is greatly appreciated, let me assure you.
I want to thank you all for offering me this opportunity to serve as trustee in the Polson School District. I look forward to hearing our perspective on the many issues facing our District.
Vernon S. Finley