Learn from court cases in the past
I took deep interest in the examination of Supreme Court nominee Roberts. He claimed to adhere to three things: The Constitution, the precedents of former court findings and the separation of powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.
My mind was drawn to the greatest court cases in history, the faulty trial of Jesus Christ, for which Pilate was removed from office and eventually committed suicide, and the trial of the Apostle Paul before Caesar's court in Rome. In the Bible we have the two documents presented in court by the Greek researcher and defender of Paul, Dr. Luke.
In Luke 1:1-3 Dr. Luke claimed to have accurately researched and interviewed myriads of eyewitnesses. He covered all phases of the account from the miraculous conception of John the Baptist to the final ascension of Jesus Christ, the coming of the Holy Spirit of God at Pentecost and the subsequent explosion of Christianity in the whole Roman Empire. His supporting evidence included a list of over 500 living eyewitnesses to Christ's resurrection (I Corinthians 15:1-7).
Dr. Luke spent two years in Rome with Paul who was under house arrest awaiting trial. During that time he completed the two treatises for Judge Theophilus that delivered Paul from his bonds and gave the decision of Caesar's court in favor of Paul and the whole Christian message.
Judges and lawyers, teachers and theologians living today should realize that the findings of the Roman Court, where many eyewitnesses were available, trumps any attempts of denial of Christianity in courts of the 21st Century, who have not even one eyewitness. They have not let the courts follow the precedence of the court of Caesar. Let them uphold the sound decision to positively verify Christianity and the worship of God.
Ernest Seablom