New animal abuse law is needed
I am writing in response to the Oct. 13 letter in the Leader titled "Why was Siberian Husky shot?"
What has this state come to when people can come out and shoot a beloved pet without first trying to find its owner and/or contacting the proper authorities? Are we so uncivilized and uncaring for a pet's life?
Most people love and care for their pets as if they were their children.
What gives a person a right to take a defenseless pet's life without first knowing if the animal is first a physical threat to human life or another animal's life?
Why was the owner not notified instead of taking the dog to a field and dumping it like a piece of trash, instead of first trying to contact its owner?
I have seen so much cruelty committed to dogs and kittens in the last several weeks, it's sickening. I feel that the community should stand up for these abused animals and try to protect them from such abuse and cruelty and report them to the proper authorities.
Then follow up with the authorities to see what proper action has been taken.
The State of Montana and Lake County need to appoint a state and/or County Humane Officer and to create and pass a strict state law and county ordinance against such cruelty to these defenseless animals. The offenders, if found guilty, should be punished to the fullest extent of law.
Dennis P. Lewis
MVAS Executive Director