Thursday, November 21, 2024

Evolution is an empty buzz word

| September 22, 2005 12:00 AM


The evolutionists' claim to be on the right track scientifically is truly an empty buzzword. The 150- year-old guesses of Charles Darwin were negated 100 years ago by experiments of Mendel (Natural History, June 2001, pg. 30). He found that Darwin's pangenesis theory was wrong because genes do not meld and they rarely mutate. He found that they come in pairs and that they are dominant and recessive.

The clincher was the discovery of the process of meiosis or reduction division wherein half of each parents' gene pairs are given to each offspring, and the other half is lost. In nature reduction division occurs in all creatures and plants from bacteria on up. This makes each generation simpler genetically than their parents. This combining and simplification has resulted in many simple homologues species developing from more complex genera.

As we trace creatures back they all had very complex ancestors, which have simplified to species. Cattle simplified from buffalo, dogs and foxes from wolves, various species of cats from more complex felines. Rare mutations are insignificant in comparison to the 50 percent simplification loss by the reduction process of meiosis each generation. Animal breeders use this simplifying process all the time to form new homologues breeds (Drowning Giants, pg. 28).

The only provable conclusion based on modern day facts is that all creatures began very complex, not simple, cells and by a second law of thermodynamics have arrived at a simpler gene code, which we identify as species.

So much for the objective thinking of the blind followers of Darwin. They are behind true science 150 years and rate zero in genetics — and in logic for total error. Neither can they swallow the scientific demand for a Creator who has given us the true scientific cosmological facts in Genesis. Experimental proof trumps empty-headed theory every time!

Ernest Seablom
