Wars, rumors of war, flood, famine, etc.
What is this world coming to? We cannot even guess! But Jesus Christ claimed to know. He said that "as it was in the days of Noah so shall the days of the coming of the Son of Man be."
He also said that except the days be shortened no flesh will survive.
In Noah's day the earth filled with violence. On the world wide scale today the violence in Iraq is negligible.
Three thousand soldiers lost in three years, dozens killed by suicide bombers daily does not compare to the crime in the cities of America, the genocide of several countries, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, two world wars, AIDS, the holocaust and now weapons of mass destruction, plus 50 million abortions in America alone.
Where will the violence end? If the Bible is right, II Peter 3 tells us of atomic holocaust, with nitrogen of the air exploding with a big bang, fusion burning up the whole cosmos and the elements loosed with fervent heat.
These predictions of 2,000 years ago sound like a study in astronomy, physics, geology and politics today. The remedy that still works is repent and believe on Christ as the saving, risen, creator God who will protect his own in the final fiasco. I believe him. I am not afraid. Noah found grace, as all may, if they just seek it.
Ernest Seablom