Did golf course pumphouse fire involve negligence?
For those that haven't heard, the pump house and expensive internal workings at the third tee of the new golf course burned up at 3 a.m. this last Monday morning, July 31, here in Polson.
Now to some this may just be another opportunity to say, "So?" But to a Polson taxpayer the expense (and it will be sizable) is more than unfortunate.
From what I've found out, the problem was a faulty fuse or breaker that started the fire in the early hours.
But there's more: It was known by those in responsibility, I am also told, that this condition of jeopardy because of the inadequate protections was left to continue and the unit kept 'on-line.'
Now if all this is at least in part true, I'm asking Mayor Ingram to do a thorough investigation of the facts pertaining to this, and if negligence is a part of it, to take the necessary and immediate disciplinary action toward those in responsibility.
The consequences of this fire to us taxpayers will be very costly it appears, and to sweep this one under a carpet [would be] very unfair to all of us.
Thanks, Mr. Mayor, in advance for your attention to this matter.
Will Elliott