Thursday, November 21, 2024

Super Wal-Mart would be an asset

| January 27, 2006 12:00 AM


In rebuttal to Carolyn Beecher, I feel a Wal-Mart Super Center would be an asset to Polson.

At present we have to drive 50 miles to Kalispell or 75 to Missoula for many of our purchases. I think it would be an asset to have a Super Center in our own town.

Agreed, I like a small town but it seems that is a losing battle because if you look around they are building condos and new houses all around us. That's a battle we can't win.

In the past we have been living in Arizona for the winters and when we return we are shocked at the prices here. Maybe a little more competition might be healthy. As an example: In Arizona, you can buy lettuce a good deal of the time for three to even four heads for a dollar. Here it may be $1.29 a head. That is a large cost for transportation, even with the high cost of diesel.

I have been down in Mexico many times and a common scene is to see major American food chain trucks loading out garden produce, fruits, etc.

I don't think either one of our present food stores would have to close, but they might have to sharpen their pencils a little.

Wal-Mart won't hurt Polson nearly as bad as foreign dudes moving in to buy condos. For those of you who know me I was born and raised in Bozeman.

Wayne Richardson
