Hess comments are criticized
I am writing to take exception for comments offered here last week (June 8) by Virgil L. Hess of Polson. Mr. Hess stated, "… the opponents have used falsehoods and distortions regarding Wal-Mart to try and further their cause." And then Mr. Hess utilizes that very tactic by stating his own falsehoods and distortions to, presumably, further his own cause.
Mr. Hess, erroneously, offers as fact, "[A] decisive majority of Polson and Lake County citizens want the supercenter" and "the pronounced majority in Polson and Lake County — the majority that wants the new Supercenter ,,," with no evidence to back such lofty comment. To my knowledge, no such statistical evidence exists. And if it did its source, no doubt, would come from those most likely to gain from the proposed supercenter — the corporate coffers of Wal-Mart. Certainly not a non-biased entity to be reporting on the will of the 28,000+ citizens of Lake County.
Attendees of last month's City/County Planning Board meeting would most likely surmise the pronounced majority of opinion is firmly against the proposed supercenter. Then there is the Board's opinion itself, which quite decidedly denied the zoning change consideration. These are facts with backing, rather than hyperbole.
Further, Mr. Hess states, "I urge the Polson city council to do the right thing for democracy." Our city government is an example of representative democracy.
They have been placed in standing by we, the citzenry, not to act upon our emotions but to interpret the laws and rules we must all live by. Considering the City/County Planning Board's decision regarding rezoning and the current Master Use Plan, facts not hyperbole, our representatives will do the right thing.
Ben Griffing