Editorial on murder of Amish girls appreciated
Thank you for your Oct. 12 editorial, prompted by the awful murders and wounding of the children in Lancaster, Pa.. I think you articulated thoughts that many of us had.
I would like to add just a little. Quite understandably, your tone in the editorial became cynical. At one point, I was reminded of a line from the old musical, Camelot, "It's not the earth the meek inherit; it's the dirt."
It seems to me that this tendency towards cynicism highlights exactly what is required of us. Since I come from a Christian tradition, Jesus' words are especially meaningful to me. I am thinking of his saying, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John16:33)
No matter how unspeakable the evil that confronts us, we must hold to the good — to the conviction of evil's ultimate destruction. Isn't that what the Amish families did when they forgave the murderer of the girls, even supporting his widow? As observers of this tragedy, can we do less?
Carol Cummings