Felt photo, caption were in bad taste
I'm writing in response to the picture and caption on the front page of the Sept. 7 Lake County Leader regarding the Charlo shop fire. I understand the need for the news to be reported, but was distressed to see the "sensationalism" of the shoe within the picture. But even that would not have upset me as much as it did to read the caption and see that words "Seymour's singed shoe is seen here at the site." I find this to be in incredibly bad taste and hurtful for those who are close to the Seymours and involved with this tragedy.
I generally enjoy the Leader but felt that this pushed the levels of decency and felt the need to express my disappointment in this choice of journalism.
I do wish the Seymours a speedy recovery and send my thoughts and prayers to them, their families and their friends.
Sarah Wilkerson