Update on trying to institute Charlo drug policy
A couple of weeks ago I submitted a letter to the editor with this same title, this week I would like to update the public on what I have done so far in my quest to get a drug testing policy instituted in Charlo school.
So far I have typed up and placed petitions for signatures in the Charlo Grocery store as well as a t Coulter Automotive. I have also given these same petitions to a few concerned citizens in the Charlo school district who are asking folks for signatures. My goal is to get 200 to 300 signatures from the Charlo-Dixon citizens who are willing to help in protecting our children against drugs and alcohol. I have also talked to various organizations about putting on a community meeting in Charlo to educate the community and hopefully to gain support in protecting our children and community.
Prior to creating this petition I was "allowed" to address the Charlo School Board in regards to this issue. I say "allowed" because I was required to do so in a closed session. During this session it seemed to me the board was split on their views of the drug situation in our community and school. Some seemed concerned enough to ask questions and to possibly consider my request for a drug testing policy, while others seemed to feel that there is not a drug/alcohol problem in our community and further felt that a drug testing policy would "punish the good kids (non-users?) for the actions of a few "bad kids".
By the end of this school board meeting I knew that my work was cut out for me when a comment was made to the effect of, "if you have enough pull in this community to get support for this we as a board will have to listen to you and consider this request."
Well, I have no pull in Charlo, or anywhere for that matter, but should it take pull to protect my kids from drugs? Must I have "pull" in this community to get folks to admit that there is a serious problem and to help our kids? I would hope not!
It should not take a petition to institute something in our schools that will help to protect our students from the pitfalls of drugs and alcohol, but if this is what it takes, this is what I am doing. The children of this community are too important to sit back and not do anything and everything we can to help protect them.
As parent, teachers, coaches, grandparents, relatives and community members it is our job to mentor these children and give them the tools to get through life successfully. For some of these children random drug testing may very well be a tool that will stop them from trying drugs. For those that do try them and want to continue in sports, well there are other tools. Along with the drug testing there are various methods for the students who make a wrong choice to correct their choice and redeem themselves.
So once again I come to you, the community of Charlo-Dixon, and ask that you show your concern for our children by helping to give them another tool to "Just say No to drugs and alcohol." Please sign one of the petitions located at either the Charlo Grocery Store or at Coulter Automotive. Or if you are interested in helping with this please contact me at 644-4617 or e-mail me at tjdalke@montana.com (if you e-mail please put "drug policy" in the subject line.)
Tracy RobinsonDalke
Charlo, Mt.