Letters To The Editor
Gym Extravagance Questioned
These days, the national news is disturbing enough, but what about the local news?
I am a taxpayer and voter in the Charlo area. About eighteen months ago, the "old gym" at the Charlo School was damaged by fire. Instead of choosing to make costly repairs to one of the oldest buildings on campus, the school board chose to have the gym torn down with plans to replace the structure in some fashion. In addition to discussions at regular school board meetings, a community meeting was held and three spending plans were proposed to the voters. Three alternate plans were discussed, an expansion was for a plus four million dollar approximately one thousand seat gym, a second plan, an improvement proposed a more modest structure for plus two million, and a third idea was to simply replace the amount of square footage that was lost by the elimination of the old structure.
At the March 2008 school board meeting, board member Duane Weible made a motion to ask voters to approve a bond in the amount of $1.2MM to build what he described as a multi- purpose space to be used as a gym for elementary P.E., a practice gym, a place for assemblies, band concerts, plays, presentations, etc. and further the new building would house a set of locker rooms, a new music room and perhaps an additional classroom. Any funds left over would be used to improve other areas around the campus, such as the existing gym lobby, restrooms and locker rooms, move the weight room from a detached building into the current music room space on the back of the gym, and enlarge the school lunchroom, which has been described as inadequate for several years.
This $1.2 MM bond proposal was put before Charlo voters, and passed. At the recent September Charlo school board meeting, Mr. Weible surprised many of us when he presented the new construction plan to be a "full size" gym, attached to the existing gym by a large lobby. This structure would house new locker rooms, new bathrooms and… that's it! Five of the seven board members took it upon themselves to alter the original plan that was presented to the voters for the bond.
This new plan makes no mention of a new music room or additional classroom space, and the new building is designed to seat only about 250 people in bleacher space. Varsity games and large events will still be held in the existing gym!
This new big floor space with a high ceiling is to house elementary P.E. and a practice gym? The exact cost of this structure is vague, and assurance that it can be properly finished, with available funds, is of concern. People attending the meeting commented about how difficult it is to hear programs held in a large gym. We were told that a stage would somehow appear at one end of this huge new gym. It was also stated that the board is looking into the cost of acoustical tiles.
There was lively discussion during this meeting, and some people expressed discontent at being told one thing, and then informed that the plans for use of their tax money will now be different, after having already voted for the $1.2MM bond. Reasons for needing this second cavernous gym space were a lot of "ifs", and insufficient for many of us who believe that emphasis on athletic extracurricular facilities seems to overwhelm what is prudent and practical for a school of our size. We need a place for elementary P.E./practice gym and a set of locker rooms, but this project seems to have ballooned into something that our school can hardly afford, and leaves behind the needs and interests of other aspects of the campus.
Given the economic forecast of late, would it not make sense to hold to a more conservative project? The five Charlo trustees who devised this new plan are no different than our state or federal legislators who set forth plans, levy the tax, and then change the program to suit their individual preferences.
Caroline Myhre, Charlo
Support Integrity
Fellow citizens of Lake County, in the up coming election, I'm asking you to join me in supporting a candidate with integrity, because integrity still matters.
Ron Marquardt Republican for House district 12 is that candidate.
We support Ron Marquardt because we want to see a government of the people, by the people, and for the people without compromise or apology. Ron is married, has nine children, is a businessman, and 40 year resident of Lake County. If you know, or have ever met, him you know what a nice and honest man Ron is. I know that Ron is a true conservative and has the courage to represent his constituents in Helena, promoting what is right and fighting to remove what is wrong.
I encourage you to join me on Nov. 4 and vote for Ron Marquardt to represent us in Helena.
Shawn Parker, Ronan
The Six Mill Levy
The Nov. 6 Ballot will provide voters a FOR or AGAINST choice to reauthorize a six-mill levy for the Montana University System (MUS).
Its 2008 budget is $1,181,000,000. Montana's total for the six mills is $11,840,000. That's 1percent of the MUS budget, 1 percent! Is raising a $1.2 billion enterprises' revenue by 1percent urgent? And, this figure does not include grants, endowments, fundraising and other MUS net receipts. The U of M just raised $172,000,000 from alumni and private donors. A prodigious feat for one of the 14 (soon to be 15) MUS units.
It is appropriate to scrutinize any levy that adds to our property taxes. The 2008 Lake County value of six mills is $351,312. Once authorized, the legislature can increase this levy. The MUS has advanced this alternative earlier. It is fair to question the significance of 1 percent of a $1.2 billion budget. Managing to contain costs by 1 percent is not an unreasonable expectation of publicly funded institutions, regardless of budget size. The reauthorization is for 10 years.
The uncertainties we face are many: stress at the gas pumps, grocery stores and heating costs; the unknown effects of bailing out the economy on inflation and retirement funds; and the tax policies of a new administration. Our local economy is in decline. Some accept this, others don't. Reducing any taxes will help some. As small as a six-mill levy is, it will accumulate to $3.8 million in 10 years for Lake County. We can continue to add 1 percent to MUS future $1.2 billion - and growing - budgets, or relieve our property tax burdens. By Nov. 5, our choice will be known.
Here is a reality check, this letter is a waste of time. The six-mill levy will pass because that's what Montana taxpayers have done since 1920. This six-mill levy has been a continuing, voluntary symbolic support statement for the MUS. Does it matter that it amounts to 1percent of their budget?
Sotero Muniz, Polson
Outraged by Bailout
Anyone who is not outraged by the government scheme to pawn almost $1 Trillion in worthless mortgages onto taxpayers is BRAIN DEAD!
What a year! If you are not a Wall Street insider, forget holding onto your wallet. It has been stolen already. The federal deception throughout this episode staggers the mind!
Consider, in only 7 months: 1) Bear Stearns collapses in March- the P.R. spin cost, $30 Billion in Fed guarantees (the real cost is the amount loaned from the Fed Discount Window to the other now failed, sold or transformed unregulated Investment Banks, an amount buried in cryptic press reports-my guess, possibly between $500 Billion and $1 Trillion); 2) H.R. 3221 is enacted in late July to help homeowners avoid foreclosure- the P.R. spin cost, $300 Billion (the real cost- unknown); 3) Feds re-nationalize Fannie and Freddie on Sept. 8-the P.R. spin cost, $200 Billion (the real cost will be some portion of their $5.4 Trillion in guaranteed mortgages); 4) Feds bail out AIG on Sept. 16 (after letting Lehmann fail)- the P.R. spin cost, an $80 Billion high interest loan (actual cost- unknown); and 5) WaMu on Sept. 25 - the P.R. spin cost, $20 Billion (real cost-unknown). So, the down payment to the $700 Billion bailout is admitted to be $630 Billion. I believe we have already shelled out $2.5 Trillion or more!
This "Financial Crisis" is nothing more or less than a garden-variety market bubble. Human history documents dozens and dozens just like it. However, history has never yet recorded a single one that was not followed by a recovery. The only different this time around is we taxpayers are being involuntarily bamboozled into explicitly covering the losses. The newest crop of Robber Barons pocket the gains on the upside and the rest of us pay the bubble bursts.
So, if $630 Billion has already been wasted (really $2.5 Trillion?) and this hasn't stopped the bleeding, why should we believe that another $700 Billion wouldn't similarly go down the tubes (or, more accurately, to the pinnacle of the wealth pyramid).
The only solution is the inevitable outcome; firms raped by the speculators will and must fail!
If this latest abomination passes, it may delay (but will not preclude) the inevitable collapse. But the message we have already sent to the criminal class will be reinforced: Petty Thieves are Punished, BUT MASSIVE CRIME PAYS ABSOLUTELY HUGE RETURNS!
It is time to prove NYC and DC insiders that we are not as stupid as they think. If you vote for this latest outrage, you should lose your seat!
Jay Wilson Preston, Charlo
Vote Jeannie Wisdom
Yes I know her name is Jeannie Windham. She is a Democrat and I am a Republican. But that does not matter to me. I vote for the most qualified. She is a well educated and honest business lady and has been a Lake County State Representative.
Windham knows how to get things done. She knows how to treat the public and will bring her knowledge of Montana State Government to work for Lake County residents. Windham will bring all her expertise to the job as Commissioner.
The Lake County Government is broken. When County residents need to get a permit to build, start a business, or have some other problem we need to hire an attorney to get approval from the Commissioners or the Planning Board. The process sometimes takes years. The "Good Old Boy network" that exists has no clue how to supervise the County employees. County employees need guidance and an annual job performance review. Windham is the candidate of my choice.
Mondell Metz, Polson
Lead by example
A $482 billon record-high budget deficit. Osama Bin Laden never held accountable for 9/11. A preemptive attack against Iraq that outraged the world. Thousands of dead soldiers- fathers, brothers, mothers and sisters. Countless more grieving families. Rising numbers of soldiers returning home with devastating mental and physical trauma to live with, to be served by an already inadequate Veteran's Administration health care system. American families struggling to raise their children while the wealthy live the good life. Record numbers of Americans with no health insurance and thus, no way to adequately receive the health care they desperately need. Unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens invading our borders daily.
Are you happy with these realities? Is this an America to be proud of?
We have been exposed to eight years of a reactive administration demonstrating little forethought or planning in its action. If you vote for the same party currently in the oval office, these troubling issues will persist.
Instead, consider voting for change that will give a chance to all the children in our country, especially those who are struggling at home due to the aforementioned problems. After all, they will one day be our leaders and they must have a future that is worth looking forward to.
Lead by example.
Patti Carroll-Frey, Polson
Energy Independence
Energy is the name of the game. Most especially in national politics. Our economy revolves around energy, its availability and its cost. If ever we needed an individual who can think outside of the box, now is the critical moment. In comparing the platforms of Obama and McCain, the differences make it immediately obvious that it is Barack Obama who has the vision to take us to a better, cleaner energy future. He will invest in green energy technology which will provide millions of jobs for Americans, jobs that, simply put, cannot be outsourced. Obama will create a Green Jobs Corps. Obama's goal for 2025 is to have 25% of electricity derived from sustainable energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal. His plan rewards ranchers and farmers when they plant trees, restore grasslands, or undertake farming practices that capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
By contrast, McCain is promoting the building of 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030.If nuclear facilities pay the full cost of nuclear waste disposal, of insurance against an accident, and of de-commissioning plants that are worn out, the expense of nuclear power is prohibitive. With terrorism on the rise, the vulnerability of nuclear plants to attack and/or serving as a means to the acquisition of nuclear weapons eliminates nuclear energy as safe and sound energy source. Not surprisingly, McCain continues to see drilling within the US as part of the solution even though we possess less than 5% of the world's oil and use more than 25%. He has worked tirelessly to promote the interests of big oil and his tax plan gives big oil $3.8 billion in tax breaks.
Investment in clean, inexhaustible energy, i.e. wind, solar and geothermal, is the smartest investment our nation could make. Europe is leading the world into the age of wind energy. By 2020, wind-generated electricity is projected to satisfy 195,000,000 customers, half of Europe's population. Here in the US, we have enough harnessable wind energy to meet not only national electricity needs but national energy needs. By shifting the $210 billion in annual fossil fuel subsidies to the development of wind and other renewable sources of energy, the economy, as well as the environment will improve dramatically. Obama is our best chance for seeing us move toward energy independence.
Treasa Glinnwater, Ronan