Letters to the editor
June 25
The true healthcare story
I was amused last week to read Ms. Peters’ ode to the Single Payer Health Care System. However, I was troubled to see her fallacious assertions that 60 percent of Americans (including doctors) favor a single payer health insurance system. Where did this information come from? After investigating the New York Times and Gallup Polls, a different story emerged: 60 percent of Americans actually said they support availability of health coverage to all Americans, provided it does not require an increased cost or tax burden for those who are currently covered.
To rebut her claims, allow me to reference Jeffersonian Democracy. This founding American ideology espoused that liberty is contingent upon self-reliance. Dependence upon government is akin to slavery. In fact, the institution of the federal government was viewed as a necessary evil to prevent the anarchy that the Articles of Confederation had failed to resolve. Jump forward 200-plus years, the government has grown into an entity that now controls General Motors. It seems our health care system is next. While many European countries are decentralizing governmental programs due to their inability to sustain them, some suggest we dabble in the same programs.
What have we learned from socialized medicine in a capitalistic country? It does not work. Canadians cross our border because their government rations out life-saving health care. Whose border will we cross? Government run health insurance (e.g. Medicaid, Medicare) leads to minuscule compensation for health care providers, and a subsequent shortage of people willing to enter the medical profession. Before long, we have the same life-threatening health care rationing we see up north and in Europe.
Given the choice between: A) liberty of self and freedom of choice or B) the rationing of government run industry, the like of which we saw in the Soviet Union; forgive me if I choose the former!
Lisa Fong, Polson
Thanks for the benefit
Last Sunday, my family, friends, and co-workers put on a lovely benefit and silent auction for me at Leon Hall. I have been fighting cancer for two years. I have always known what a special place Lake County is, the people’s giving spirit goes beyond measure. I wanted to thank all of those who donated auction items and food. Also, all of you showed up to eat, bid and socialize. Your prayers, cards and well wishes mean a lot; I love each and every one of you.
Thank you,
Cheri Cheff, Ronan