WEB EXTRA Helena update from Rep. John Fleming
Hello from Helena . Our half way point has been reached and the last minutecrush of bills have been dealt with prior to this deadline.
This shortened week saw 32 bills debated on the House floor on Monday and 29on Tuesday. Each bill received its due. The result was two long andmstressful days of debate and decision-making. Now the surviving bills will begin a similar journey in the Senate. Of course Senate bills now begin their way through the House committee hearings and floor debate. The Governor awaits and must make the ultimate final decision for new Montana laws.
In the background of all these policy debates on bills (insurance, education, crime, energy, agriculture, etc) are the money bills.
Appropriation committees since the beginning of the session have been working on these bills by estimating the state revenues and prioritizing spending.
In an effort to balance the budget, create jobs, and strengthen the economy, the legislature amended HJR 2 to match lower revenue estimates, will amend HB 2 (the state budget) to balance with HJR 2, and will create a separate bill (HB 2A) to appropriate money provided by the federal stimulus package.
Many bills and projects which might, in more usual economic times, become a piece of the state budget (HB 2) could be cut this time. Some will be assigned to HB 2A and be funded with the one-time-only federal money (HB 2A). I have hopes our Growth through Agriculture will be so funded instead of being cut. This HB 583, so ably supported by local testimony, funds the
Mission Mountain Food Enterprise and 5 other centers around Montana.
Among the many bills dealt with on the House floor, one of the most critical to locals was the passage of a school funding bill. This 3% increase in each of the years of the biennium was included in the governor's original budget and represents a crucial piece of the legislature's commitment to supporting education of our children.
A major debate is looming over funding of the Healthy Montana Kids Program.
It was supported by 70 percent of Montana's voters last fall. If left in the Governor's budget, this would provide health insurance to 30,000 additionalkids in Montana. The House passed this measure, but it is presently stuck in a Senate committee. To keep track of progress on this bill (HB 157), go to the legislative website.
Property tax reappraisal continues to concern all of us. Several of you have contacted me and I received my own property reappraisal last week. A quick visit to the State Department of Revenue office in Polson fixed a photomap error. Be sure to be on time with any changes you need in your appraisal.
I am committed to no net increase in property tax revenues statewide.
Further, I will not support any shifts of taxes to homeowners and small businesses. Ranchers and farmers will need to discuss the production figures assigned to their land and the average commodity prices. These can be and should be questioned.
Finally, I will support what are called property tax "circuit breakers" to make sure that people with fixed or limited incomes can stay in their homes.
As usual please stay in touch. My e-mail is fleming@stignatius.net and my cell phone is 207-3811. Please include your physical address in any e-mails. This makes my responses much easier. I encourage you to use the legislative website (www.leg.mt.gov.) to track bills.