Robbie Gauthier at bat for the Mission Valley Mariners B team.
Dalton Molzhon delivers a pitch during the Mission Valley Mariner B team season.
Mission Valley Mariners catcher Jack Humphreys watches a play develop out on the diamond during the 2010 season.
Austin Von Tom applies a tag against Missoula during the Mission Valley Mariners B team season.
Chris Brown is in his second year of coaching the Mission Valley Mariners B team.
Mission Valley Mariners' Jack Humphrey reacts to being called out at second during the Mariners' 6-5 loss to the Missoula Mavericks on June 10.
Catcher Jack Humphreys and pitcher Austin Von Tom have a mound conference during the Firecracker Tournament.
Dalton Molzhon looks for a sign during the Mission Valley Mariner B team season.
Pictures of the Mission Valley Mariners B team taken by sports editor Brandon Hansen.