It's the kids' turn
NINEPIPES - The seventh annual Kids' Fishing Day Tournament was held Saturday at the Ninepipes Pond.
The tournament was open to children 12 and younger. Prizes were given for smallest and largest fish in three age groups.
Jim Vashro, regional fisheries manager for the Montana Department of Fish and Wildlife, organized the event.
"This is one of five ‘hooked on fishing, not on drugs' programs in the area," Vashro said.
Cloudy weather and cold wind kept many people at home, but about 60 participants gathered to take part in the tournament.
"We have had years where it is pouring rain and snow and then years when it is nice and sunny," Vashro said. "Regardless of the weather, someone always comes to have fun."
The Jocko River Trout Hatchery stocked the pond with 2,000 rainbow trout. Jocko Hatchery fish culturist Ron Snyder said 700 trout, ranging from 10-12 inches, were placed in the pond.
He also said there were about 50 retired brood stock ranging from 5-15 pounds. The rest were smaller fish not yet big enough to be a prized catch.
"The hatchery is a part of an urban fishing initiative," Snyder said. "Our goal is to provide fishing close to towns, so that people can have a nice place to fish without having to travel far from home."
Ryan Miller, of Arlee, taught his daughter Kaitlyn how to cast on a two-foot pink rod. They took turns reeling in as they watched rainbow trout splash next to shore.
"She's getting to the age where she wants to start fishing," Miller said.
Before the weigh-in of the fish and the end of the tournament, five-year-old Isaac Cantlon, of Charlo, brought the first fish he ever caught into the measuring station.
"Wow, that's a big fish," Vashro said. "What did you catch it on?"
"A hook," Cantlon replied.
At noon Vashro called all the fishermen in to collect prizes.
The kids crowded around as their names were drawn from a basket and they got to choose from a table of prizes, including fishing rods, tackle boxes and fishing lures.
The tournament was co-sponsored by Polson Outdoors Inc. and Ronan Sports and Western.