Senior news
Do you have a lot of stuff sitting around your place and don't have a need for it? How about donating it to the senior citizens and the Council on Aging for their rummage sale? The sale will be on Thursday, Sept. 8 and Friday, Sept. 9, and we will greatly appericate any donations. If you have things to donate, please bring them to the center (528 Main St. SW) after Monday, Aug. 29. If you need someone to pick it up, call 676-2367 or 676-2371 and we will arrange to have it picked up.
The COA is also in dire need for volunteer drivers for the med cars. If you can help with this, please call them. This is a vital service here in Lake County that helps our seniors and others to get to appointments and to go shopping. You can drive as little or as often as you want, and the rides are local or to Missoula and Kalispell. Their number is 676-2368.
Thanks to all who helped on the center's float for the parade, and if you didn't help, you missed a great time.
Thanks to Dorla and Brandie for riding the float for us, and a special thanks to Dillon and Ian (future senior citizens) for doing such a great job tossing candy.
The foot clinic is on Wednesday, Aug. 24, from 10:30 a.m. until noon. So, come in and get your toes twinkled and then join us for lunch. We will be serving chicken a la king that day.
Our August birthday dinner will be on Friday, Aug. 26 and we will be serving roast beef. Come on in and join us for a great meal and in wishing all the "August babies" a happy birthday. As usual, we will be having live music before the meal, and they are always enjoyabel to listen to.
The next card party in Ronan will abe on Monday, Sept. 19 at 7 p.m.
We have several of our seniors on the "not doing so well" list, and we hope that all of you are up and about soon. We miss your smiling faces and hope that you are soon able to rejoin us.
We play bingo after the noon meal on Mondays and Fridays, and the pool table is always ready to go. Come on in and join us for some great food, fun and fellowship.
Our menu for the rest of the month: Wednesday (17th) is chicken, Friday (19th) is sweet and sour pork, Monday (22nd) is spaghetti, Wednesday (24th) is chicken a la king, Friday (26th) is roast beef, Monday (29th) is soup and sandwiches and Wednesday (31st) is pork chops.
Have a great week, and get out and enjoy what is left of the summer and warm weather.
The Hearing Clinic will be on Tuesday, Aug. 23 starting at 9 a.m. If you are having trouble with your hearing or hearing aids come on in and see what Mike can do for you. No appointments are needed.
Membership dues are due on Sept. 1 for the up coming year. If you are not a member and would like to become one, come on in and we’ll get you signed up.
I hope that you are all enjoying the summer with your friends and family. Have a really great week and we’ll talk again soon.
Now, for some card scores. Bridge scores for Aug. 5 had Millie Mielke first and Amber Arndt second, and for Aug.9 Jeanette Brown was first and Marilyn Greiner was second. Pinochle scores for Aug. 11 were Dee Adams first and Carol Daniels and Alice Grilley tied for second.
Luncheon menu: Thursday 8/18 Salisbury steak; Friday 8/19 Sloppy Joes; Monday 8/22 hamburger gravy; Tuesday 8/23 barbecue ribs; Wednesday 8/24 chow mein.