Thursday, November 21, 2024

Facing Adversity

by Ali Bronsdon
| June 3, 2011 8:45 AM


ronan grad 2

RONAN — There are few milestones in life as meaningful at the time as one’s high school graduation. Ronan’s graduating class of 2011 celebrated with family and friends in a packed gymnasium Sunday afternoon.

Salutatorian Hayley Walston and valedictorian Alex Dulmes recounted memories and looked toward the future. The Ronan High School choir and band performed between speakers.

Ronan High School Principal Tom Stack proudly presented his former student, guest speaker Marine Lance Cpl. Tomy Parker, to wild applause.

Parker, who lost both his legs and four fingers when an IED (improvised explosive devise) exploded beneath him in Afghanistan last December, only graduated three years ago, but the perspective with which he spoke showed he has matured far beyond his years.

“I got up at noon today but I got up,” he said to laughter.

Parker discussed setting goals and overcoming challenges and how the class will need to take on challenges in life.

“There is adversity everywhere,” Parker said. “When you and your friends face adversity it’s the only time you see who you are and who they are.”

“You’ve done something that some of your peers have never done,” Parker said of graduating. “There’s nothing like it. You guys have done something amazing in your life — congratulations.”


Kelsey Aipperspach, Ronan Pioneer Days Award $300; Ronan/Pablo Education Association $500; Sagmiller/Williams ALS Scholarship $750; Salish Kootenai College GearUp Award $125; Community Bank Scholarship $5,000

Katie Andrews, Salish Kootenai College Gear Up Award $125

Tiana Antoine, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

Marie Aripa, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

Lucus Black, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

Toby Cheff, MSU/Northern—wrestling award $21,000

Brittney Drake, Dorrene Darlington Memorial Scholarship $2,000

Alex Dulmes, Montana State University $8,000; Washington State University/Cougar Award $36,000; University of Wisconsin/Greenbay/Walter Family Scholarship $2,000; Serve Montana/Governor’s Award $1,000; Governor’s Best and Brightest Merit Scholarship $8,000; George and Faye Harris $1,500; Ronan Woman’s Club $500; Ebba Webb Memorial $500; Salish Kootenai College GearUp Scholar Award $500; Mission Valley Power $100; Valedictorian

Justin Dusty Bull, Salish Kootenai College tuition waver $4,089

Christen Falcon, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

Adrienne Gilson, Tim Ryan Scholarship $ 500; Sagmiller/Williams ALS Scholarship $750; Salish Kootenai College GearUp Award $125

Justin Hall, University of Montana/ Gallagher Scholarship $1,400; Wheels on the Bus/Pete Jensen Memorial $1,000

Tailyr Irvine, Muralt’s family Foundation $1,000; Salish Kootenai tuition waiver $4,089

Armel Jones, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

Taylor Linse, K. W. Harvey Memorial Scholarship $1,000; Mission Valley Power Student Award $100; Karen K. Schalk Memorial; $750 Ebba Webb Memorial $500; Salish Kootenai College Gear Up $1,000

Anjelica Lozeau, Salish Kootenai tuition waiver $4,089

Taylor Lynch, Salish Kootenai College Gear Up $1,000; Sagmiller/Williams ALS Scholarship $750; Pepsi Award $500

Eric Malmquist, Pepsi Award $500

Haley Masters, Anna Eckley Memorial Award $500

Cole McArthur, Dickinson State University $10,171.50; Wrestling Award $1,000

Marissa McCrea, Salish Kootenai College GearUp Award $125; Anna Eckley Memorial Award $500; Golden Hammer/ Aylesworth Family Memorial Scholarship $250

Malichi Musser, Montana State University/Premier $2,000; University of Montana/French family Memorial $1,050; Montana State University/Academic Award $2,000; GearUp Achievement Grant $1,500; Brian James Memorial $500

Gordon North Piegan III, Pepsi Award $500, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

John Romero, Brigham Young University/Idaho Award of Excellence $868

Dylan Sagmiller, Ronan Alumni Scholarship $500

Katie Salomon, Montana State University/Premier $1,000; Elks National Foundation $1,000; Whitworth College $9,000; Rocky Mountain College $48,000; Corban University $32,000; Richard T. Rate Memorial Scholarship $300; Ronan/Pablo Education Association $500; Mission Valley Masonic Lodge Scholarship $1,000; Ronan Lions Club/Charles Moody Memorial $250; Valley Bank $300

Joe Stanley, Salish Kootenai College Gear Up Award $125; Pepsi Award $500; Shad Burland Memorial Scholarship $100

Ron Steady, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $,4089

Jerod Tanner, Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

Alice Van Gunten, Gates Millennium Scholarship $270,000; Salish Kootenai College GearUp Award $125; Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089

Hayley Walston, Washington State University $36,000; University of Montana/Dubay Scholarship $6,000; Salish Kootenai College GearUp Award $125; Montana University System Academic Award $20,000; Salutatorian

Aaron Yazzie, Salish Kootenai College GearUp Award $125; Salish Kootenai College tuition waiver $4,089