Tribal transportation service starts in Mission and Arlee
PABLO — Starting Monday, Feb. 27, Tribal Transit will provide a van in the Arlee and Mission communities to provide elders and others needing transportation within town to senior centers for meals, doctor’s appointments and/or THHS, the post office, grocery store, community centers, culture committee and to the main bus stops to catch the commuter buses to other towns, etc. This service will be available Monday and Wednesday in Mission and Tuesday, Thursday, in Arlee.
This is an experiment in an attempt to meet individual community needs for transportation; DHRD Transit will provide the service for 90 days. If successful and the services are utilized they may replicate in other communities. There will be not be any changes to the fees for this in-town service experiment and will remain the same as other rides currently.
Please contact DHRD Transit 24 hours in advance for scheduling. DHRD’s number to call to reserve a ride is 275-2792 or 675-2700, ext. 1030. If you have any suggestions or comments during this experimental time, please call Corky Sias at 675-2700, ext. 1360 or Arlene Templer 675-2700, ext. 1038.