Thursday, March 13, 2025

Senior news

| May 3, 2012 8:30 AM

St. Ignatius

The St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center will have its second monthly movie night on Tuesday, May 8, at 6 p.m. The movie will be “War Horse.” Suggested donations will be accepted. Popcorn, coffee and sodas will be available for purchase. Everyone is welcome.

The center will have its annual Spring Rummage Sale on May 15 through 19: May 2 roast pork dinner, 5:30 p.m.; May 3 quilters; May 4 lunch; May 8 movie, 6 p.m.; May 10 quilters; May 11 board of directors meeting, 10 a.m.; May 11 lunch. Bingo is played after almost every lunch.

The following are senior center activities for early May. For more information, call the center at 745-4462 or Mack McConnell, 745-4151 or write to St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center, Box 758, St. Ignatius, MT 59865.


Welcome to May. It is so nice that the grass is greening up, the flowers are starting to bloom, and the trees are starting to leaf out. A big thanks to all who helped the COA with their Ladies Luncheon — so enjoyable — and thanks to all who attended it. The ladies in the COA office put a great deal of time and effort into this function and again they did a wonderful job.

Our monthly board meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 7. Please plan on attending if you are a board member or an alternate. The Veterans rep will be here on Thursday, May 10. She has cut back her time here, so she will be here only between the hours of 1 and 2 in the afternoon. Our evening meal will also be on the 10th. This month we will be serving a great chicken dinner. We serve between 5 and 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, the 15th, is when the senior commodities will be distributed again. The COA has several openings for these commodities, so if you are a senior over the age of 60, give them a call at 676-2367 to see if you qualify. The foot clinic will be on Wednesday the 16th, from 10:30 until noon. We have only 10 slots available, so call 676-2367 to get your name on the list. This is not an appointment, and it is still on a “first come” basis.

The card party will be held on Monday, the 21st, at 7 p.m. Come on and join them if you like to play cards. They always have a great time at these card games, and they always welcome new friends.

We are still collecting aluminum cans to be recycled. The drop off is at the back of the building. We are also planning on having a yard sale later this summer, so please think of us if you have things that you don’t need or want any longer.

The center is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to serve a meal at noon, and on the second Thursday of the month, to serve an evening meal at 5 p.m. We always welcome new people and you don’t have to be a “senior citizen” to join us for our meals and other activities. If you have any questions about the center, please give us a call at 676-2371. We also have home-delivered meals (Meals on Wheels) that are delivered five days per week.

If you need Ensure products, we can also supply them to you at a reduced rate. Call if you need more information on these products, and I will give you the prices, and tell you what you need to do to qualify for them.

Our menu for the following week is: Wednesday (May, 2) is pork chops, Friday (May 4) is barbecue beef on a bun, Monday (May 7) is porcupine meatballs, Wednesday (May 9) is lasagna, Thursday (May 10) is chicken and Friday (May 11) is chili. We hope you can join us for some great food and fellowship. Have a great week.


On Friday, May 18 there will be a mobile shred truck at Community Bank in Polson to shred your personal documents for free. The Polson Police will also be available to accept and safely dispose of any prescriptions and/or prescription bottles. This is the 5th year that Community Bank has done this for the community, so be sure to get your things together and take advantage of this wonderful service.

The Toe Nail Clinic will be on Wednesday, May 9 starting around 10:30 a.m. and going till noon. There is limited space so don’t forget.

The veterans aid will be here at the center on Thursday, May 10 starting at 10 a.m. If you have any questions or are having some difficulties come in and talk with Roxanne and she’ll do her best to help you out.

Looks like we will be having some rain for the next week or so, so stay dry and think “sunshine” and we’ll talk again soon.

Now for some card scores. Bridge for April 20 had Bob Gorsuch first and Doris Gorsuch second and for April 24 Dean Greiner was first and Bob Gorsuch took second. Pinochle scores for April 26 were Dee Adams first and Pete Daniels was second.

Luncheon menu through May 9: Thursday (5/3) hash brown bake; Friday (5/4) soft shell taco; Monday (5/7) homemade chili; Tuesday (5/8) meatloaf; Wednesday (5/9) ham slices.