Pioneer Days Kiddie Slicker Rodeo-2014
<p>The pig dodges a grasp while its pursuer comes up empty handed.</p>
<p>Aspen and Abi Krantz and Ashley Welker drag their lamb across the finish line to win the Under 12 Sheep dressing contest.</p>
<p>This sheep wrangler holds the lamb steady for his cohorts to try to get the bloomers on. The lamb eventually escaped.</p>
<p>Liam wills cradles his new friend caught in the chicken scramble.</p>
<p>This little piggie has no idea what's coming as the pig scramble is about to begin.</p>
<p>Mackinzie Bartel uses her strong legs to stay aboard as her lamb bolts toward its friends.</p>
<p>Mom finally catches her boy who bounded away from the crowd when he figured he had gotten enough candy during the kid scramble.</p>
<p>A few moms find their kids after finding their shoes during the kid scramble.</p>
<p>Nakai Santos and his sheep appear to have switched roles as his ewe looks like she is trying to ride him.</p>
<p>Nathaniel Bisson grins from ear to ear with excited anticipation as his sheep appears to be contemplating how to get him off her back in the quickest fashion.</p>
<p>Beau Jay Grant and Jaden and Eric Rodda haul their lamb over the finis line to win the over 12 sheep dressing contest.</p>
<p>One of the youngest mutton busters, Paizley Kraudy, hugs her lamb tightly as her lamb eyes the camera.</p>
<p>Payton Weatherwax keeps a tight hold on his big white chicken that he caught during the chicken scramble.</p>
<p>Philip Vaughan and his friend discuss how to split their winnings from the pig scramble.</p>
<p>Some tried roping while others tried tackling to catch their calves in the calf dressing contest.</p>
<p>Several contestants have their hands or at least their sights set on one of the sheep in the sheep dressing contest</p>
<p>Sonson Wilcoxson-Martinez flies along with his baa baa black sheep.</p>
<p>A contestant in the calf dressing contest tries to take down a calf to dress while the calf protests--loudly!</p>
<p>The pig slips throug the hands of one of the contestants in the pig scramble.</p>
<p>Darling tots make a mad dash for a tarp covered with candy during the Kid Scramble</p>
<p>Avary McDonald looks the part as he strides in his full cowboy get up.</p>
<p>This young cowboy shows the form of a budding bronc rider.</p>
<p>Ty Garrison, Paula Symington, and Taylor Walhood, eventual winners of the calf-dressing contest, put the bloomers on the calf as another contestant zips by looking for a calf to get his rope on.</p>
<p>Competitors got both kinds of green--money and manure--during the calf scramble.</p>
<p>Castiel Kamarainen, age 3, smiles nervously behind his lambs ear.</p>