Senior News - March 6
We had 43 hearty seniors join us for our birthday dinner last Friday. Which just proves that when the going gets tough, the tough go the Senior Citizens for lunch. That is just one of the many reasons that we need to keep the Lake County senior centers open. We have gathered enough signatures to get the mill levy on the ballot in the June election, and we are asking that you vote for it. There are six Senior Citizens in Lake County, and the money that this is very important to keeping the Centers open and functioning. The money will also help the Council on Aging provide their many services to the county’s senior citizens.
Cards will be played here at 1 pm, on Monday the 17th, and the foot clinic will be here from 10 until noon on Wednesday, the 19th.
We will be serving corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick’s day. Our birthday dinner for March will be Friday, the 28th. Lent starts this month, and we have had several request to serve non-meat meals, and have made some additions to our regular meals in order to do so. Our meals are served at noon.
Our menu for the next two weeks: Wed. (5th) is potato bar, Fri. (7th) is Sloppy Joes and tuna/egg salad sandwiches, Mon. (10th) is hot roast beef sandwiches, Wed. (12th) is enchiladas, Thurs. (13th) is pork roast (5 pm) and Fri. is fish.
A Smart Driver Class (formerly known as “55 Alive”) will be held at the Arlee Senior Citizen’s Center on April 3, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. Montana mandates auto insurance discounts for seniors who complete this 4-hour class, which reinforces safe driving skills for seniors. You may sign up at the Senior Center on the mornings on days a noon meal is served, and at the 2nd and 4th Saturday night dinners. Or, you can register for the class by calling Lilly or Anne at 406-3213.
Our foot care lady will be at the center on March 21st at 10:30 a.m. Please schedule your appointment by calling 726-3213.
Lunches are served at 12 noon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and dinner is served at 6 p.m. on the Second and Fourth Saturdays of the month. Following are the menus for the next week:
March 5 Polish Sausage and Saurkraut
March 7 Clam Chowder w/Chicken Salad
March 8 Saturday Night Dinner~~Roast Pork Dinner w/potatoes and gravy
March 10 Tacos w/lettuce, tomatoes,
cheese and salsa
March 12 Chicken Cordon Blue, Salad
The lunch menu for the week beginning on Thursday, March 6 is:
Thursday - - Beef strogonoff w/noodles
Friday - - Cheeseburgers and potato patties
Monday - - Taco soup
Tuesday - - Steak and gravy w/noodles
Wednesday - - Meatloaf w/whipped potatoes
We would appreciate the use of someone’s cargo trailer or small horse trailer to transport our aluminum cans to Missoula. Please call the center if you can help.
Our tax preparers are in Polson on Mondays and Thursdays. Call for an appointment.The AARP driving classes will resume on April 22, after Clara returns from Arizona.
The toenail clinic will be on March 12 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. First come, first served. The veteran’s rep will be here on the same day, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Every Friday night we have bingo beginning at 7 pm.
Our exercise group meets every Mon., Wed. and Fri. at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday’s bridge honors went to Bob Gorsuch with Dee Adams placing second.
Due to an apparent lack of interest I will discontinue the weekly trivia quiz. However, Shirley Laisy did come up with the only answer to the polar bear question and, therefore, earns a free lunch.
St. Ignatius
The St. Ignatius Senior Citizens Center regrets that is had to close the center last Friday because of bad weather. For more information, call the center at 745-4462, or Mack McConnell, 745-4151 or write to us. Bingo is played after almost every lunch. Lunches begin at 12-noon. Quilters quilt in the center most Mondays and Thursdays.
March 5 dinner 5:30 p.m.
March 6 quilters
March 7 lunch
March 10 quilters
March 11 lunch
March 13 quilters